December 29, 2006

an eventful holiday

Hey gang!
It's been an eventful Christmas. Whew! I'm glad I survived it! Just joking. Anyways, a lot has happened. Of course it was the usual family stuff--spent some time with Matthew's family and a lot of(almost too much) time with my own. Christmas Eve and Christmas day, as a whole, didn't suck. Both days had their moments though. I've gotten to spend a LOT of time with my beloved sister. Gosh, I've missed her so much. And Matthew and i have gotten another tattoo. He got "Crazymofo the Chiuauah" tattooed to his right forearm and I got a flute-playing Satyr (half man half goat) tattooed to the outside of my left calf. Tomorrow I'll be getting another tattoo of a "bad" Tinkerbell (aka "Tinker Fell"). Amber will be getting the same tattoo, but the color schemes will be different. Mine will be blue/green and Amber's will be pink/purple. I'm pumped! Oh, and last night my mother-in-law, Corky, got a mythical dragon tattooed to her upper right arm. It looks pretty bad-ass!
Other than all that I got to see Kat, Rod, and their baby, Paul. We hung out, went bowling, closed a bar and called it a night. It was so much fun and it was really nice to catch-up with Kat. Now, hopefully I'll get a chance to see Angie and her baby, Lizzie, before I leave. Maybe tonight. Who knows? And don't worry, my adoring fan club, I will be posting pictures of the tattoos and such when I download the pics from my camera. Sadly, I need to be going. Gotta get ready for another full day of fun and adventure! I love you guys! Take care and have a safe and fun New Year's! Toodles!!!!!!!!

December 20, 2006

Good-bye, evil retainer!!!

Today is the day that I go to get my dental implants (for my eye teeth). I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm a wuss when it comes to pain. But it'll be worth it in the end, I guess. Today will suck, but I'm looking forward to the actual Christmas stuff to be happening. None of this bologna of going everywhere and doing a million things. I'm looking forward to just sitting around, B.S.-ing, eating good food (or soft foods, in my case), and opening presents with family and friends. And when that's all over, I'll be looking very forward to going back to my apartment and playing with Matthew and I's lizard, Chi-Chi. Oh, Matthew and I are going to be getting a Bengal Cat, at long last, from a friend of my Aunt Ruth's. It's a male, neutered, front paws declawed, and he's 5 years old and such a sweetheart! Matthew and I are going to try to find an apartment that'll allow us to have a cat when we get back to Texas. Yay!!! I'm so excited. And I can't wait to go down to Josh's for New Year's Eve. It sounds like it's going to be fun. Gosh, I hate waiting. Well, I should be going. Gotta leave for the clinic in a few minutes and I don't even have my shoes on. Wish me luck. Take care!!! Toodles!!!!!!!

December 19, 2006

The Big Pink!

[Top: The Big Pink in all it's glory. Bottom: Chris unwrapping the Big Pink...look at that happy face!]
TA-DA!!!! Pictures of Matthew and I's Christmas with his mom. We tried to embarass Chris, Matthew's little brother, all to no avail. He liked his pink underwear. And he loved the pink fuzzy thing we'd put on top of the present. What a weird-o!! No Chris did not try on his new pink undies...mostly cuz he was afraid that he might enjoy wearing them. hee hee hee Toodles!!!

Home for Christmas

Matthew and I arrived in Minnesota early morning on the 16th. We've been running all sorts of errands, updating driver's licenses and stuff, bumming around with family. Matthew went up to St.Cloud to see his dad, uncle, grandpa, and little brother the other day while I bummed around Buffalo with my parents, uncle Dennis, my sister and her boyfriend, Kevin. All in all, we've been having fun. We've been being harassed by some of our family members cuz we can't just go out and spend a week with everyone--which inevitably pisses off some people. They'll survive. Matthew and I will be going to his mom's house to celebrate Christmas with her, Dale, and Chris. We're bringing pizza and presents; Americanizing Christmas!! Tomorrow I will be getting my dental implants! Boy, is that an expensive operation. I have to pay for it out of my own pocket because the Army refused to do it. UGH! Luckily, the guy that's doing my operation took pity on me and gave me a 10% military discount. That was aweful nice of him, but it still is costing a fortune! It's a good thing I was deployed or else I'd never be able to afford the operation.
Sounds like Matthew and I will be going to his Aunt and Uncle's house for Christmas on Sunday, and then my parents are having an "open house" style Christmas on the 25th (that's Christmas Day for you folks who have no idea what date Christmas falls on). I just hope that Matthew and I don't run into as many bumps the remainder of our time on leave here in Minnesota. I hope it's relatively smooth sailing from here on out. If not, I guess I'll just have to suck it up and drive on...but I can still hope, can't I.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!!!!!!

December 14, 2006

Two years and a day!

Hello, fans!
As most of you know/remember, yesterday was Matthew and I's 2 year wedding anniversary. We didn't do anything too special because it was the middle of the week and starting tomorrow, we have a 20 hour drive ahead of us so that we can be home for Christmas and my dental implant surgery. So we've just been trying to be the best bums we can, but we can't even do THAT right. We went Christmas shopping over the weekend to buy the last of the gifts we needed to get for people. Yeah. It was my first time going into Toys 'R I know why my parents never allowed Amber and I to go there! LOL
Anyways, here's a little Christmas-gram for all my friends and family out there. Just click on the's a kewl version of "Jingle Bells". I think you'll all like it. Just make sure you have volume!
Well, I should start packing for the super-long trip tomorrow, and we still need to take Chi-Chi to her babysitter. much to do and less time to do it in! Toodles.

December 8, 2006

Rock Steady

Gonna Rock 'N Roll all night! Wednesday night was awesome! Went to see my buddy's band, Under The Gun, on Wed. night and had a really good time. There wasn't a big turn-out as far as the audience goes, but that's because it was in Austin...they've only played in Austin 1 other time and they always get stuck on the week-day gigs. If it was a week-END day, there would definitely been some mosh-piting. Oh yeah! And tonight is their gig in Temple at Jesters! Woo-Hoo!!!! Gosh, I'm so psyched. I wish it were evening already, but sadly, it's not even 9am. Oy! My first week back at work and I'm busy, busy, busy! I love it!! Oh, and I'm no longer doing the sing-along part of my band's Christmas show...nope. I'll be video taping the whole thing to be televised on public television. Meh. Whatever. I'd be happy to not have to be there, period! But, C'est la vie, right? Oh, and my friend, Sgt Siceloff, has been on leave since the 5th and he won't be back until January. *sniffle* It's too bad he is missing all these Under The Gun shows. He loves them! Oh, well, I guess he'd have waited to go on leave if he was dead-set on going to a UTG show. Hope you're having fun on leave, Nathan. Take care!
I'll be writing more later. For now, TOODLES!!!!!

December 6, 2006

Time to Rock 'n Roll

That's right, peeps! I'm going to my buddy's rock concert tonight down in Austin...and it's a SCHOOL NIGHT!!! Heh heh heh...good thing I'm not in school, eh? They're playing down at the Triple Door Saloon. I'm so psyched! I've been looking forward to tonight all week. Then, he's got another concert in Temple, TX on Friday night after my band does their Christmas concert (which is, by definition, GAY). I'm only going to my band's concert to do the sing-along Christmas Medley. UGH! Once again, the young clarinet player gets the shaft. Nothing new, though. I saw it coming. At least there will be great music, tasty wings, and my ever-favorite BEER to sooth me afterward! Other than the rock concerts at night, work and everything in between pretty much sucks. It's nice that Matthew's home though...keeps me from feeling too lonely. Yeah...he's going with me to the rock concerts, too. Well, got lots to do and less time to do it in. I'll write more later. Chi-Chi says "hi". Toodles!!!!

December 3, 2006

Addition to the family

Meet Chi-Chi. We don't know if it is male or female yet cuz it's still just a baby, so we went with Chi-Chi since it has some transvestite tendancies. She is a Bearded Dragon. She loves attention and to crawl all over. Oh, and she really enjoys a spinach and mealworm salad. Mmm...crunchy. She's really sweet. We got her yesterday afternoon and she already owns Matthew and I. Pretty sad, eh? Oh, and she likes to watch cartoons...or at least she seemed content this morning when I was watching Ren&Stimpy while she rested on my belly. She's pretty nifty. Gotta run and cater to her every need, now. I'll write more later. Toodles!