December 14, 2006

Two years and a day!

Hello, fans!
As most of you know/remember, yesterday was Matthew and I's 2 year wedding anniversary. We didn't do anything too special because it was the middle of the week and starting tomorrow, we have a 20 hour drive ahead of us so that we can be home for Christmas and my dental implant surgery. So we've just been trying to be the best bums we can, but we can't even do THAT right. We went Christmas shopping over the weekend to buy the last of the gifts we needed to get for people. Yeah. It was my first time going into Toys 'R I know why my parents never allowed Amber and I to go there! LOL
Anyways, here's a little Christmas-gram for all my friends and family out there. Just click on the's a kewl version of "Jingle Bells". I think you'll all like it. Just make sure you have volume!
Well, I should start packing for the super-long trip tomorrow, and we still need to take Chi-Chi to her babysitter. much to do and less time to do it in! Toodles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a pleasant and safe journey!

12/14/2006 2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have the time, stop by on your way back! I still have Matt's computer =)

12/14/2006 5:26 PM  

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