December 6, 2006

Time to Rock 'n Roll

That's right, peeps! I'm going to my buddy's rock concert tonight down in Austin...and it's a SCHOOL NIGHT!!! Heh heh heh...good thing I'm not in school, eh? They're playing down at the Triple Door Saloon. I'm so psyched! I've been looking forward to tonight all week. Then, he's got another concert in Temple, TX on Friday night after my band does their Christmas concert (which is, by definition, GAY). I'm only going to my band's concert to do the sing-along Christmas Medley. UGH! Once again, the young clarinet player gets the shaft. Nothing new, though. I saw it coming. At least there will be great music, tasty wings, and my ever-favorite BEER to sooth me afterward! Other than the rock concerts at night, work and everything in between pretty much sucks. It's nice that Matthew's home though...keeps me from feeling too lonely. Yeah...he's going with me to the rock concerts, too. Well, got lots to do and less time to do it in. I'll write more later. Chi-Chi says "hi". Toodles!!!!


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