February 7, 2007

tHe NoT sO kEwL jErK

Things are going about as well as can be expected as far as my new job goes. Sadly, Matthew has been assigned to a new unit which is moving to Ft.Carson (Colorado) in April and he has to go with them. I, unfortunately, cannot go with him. I'm stuck with 4 ID until I can get out, which won't be for another 1-2 years. What really blows some serious chunks is the fact that Matthew won't deploy until MY deployment is almost over...so all in all, we'll be separated for 2 years minimum. We've exhausted all resources but 1 which we talked to today. We've tried going through our Sergeants Major, we tried JAG, now our last hope is G1 who is going to be doing some research to see if they can't make orders for Matthew and I to be able to stay together at least a little bit longer. Please pray for us. We need all the help we can get. I'm about ready to lose my mind. I talked to the Chaplain today and he didn't have any hints for me that I didn't already know about. But at least I was able to talk to someone. Please pray for us.
Nothing else of importance to report. Hope everyone is healthy and doing well. I'll try and keep you all posted on any news. Take care. Toodles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Crystal, that's really sad news. I'm praying for ya!

Emily K

2/07/2007 10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine they won't try to do something for you! And we most certainly will pray for you guys.

2/08/2007 9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray for you!

I thought they had to try and keep you guys within 50 miles of each other?

Sorry to throw fuel on the fire!

Love you kids!!

2/08/2007 9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you NEVER did call me like you said you would, I have caller ID and an Answering machine so you totally did not call me! I need to talk to you about wedding and such...so give me a call or I will call you when I get another chance, babies make people busy!

2/23/2007 1:22 PM  

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