March 8, 2007

Feeling uNcOmFoRtAbLe

I'm still feeling all around icky usually early in the day and again, in the middle of the afternoon. My clothes are getting a little uncomfortable on me, so I've had to switch most of my clothes out with my old "fat" clothes from when I weighed almost 200 lbs. Oy! So far it just in the stomach area, but I know my butt and thighs are soon to follow. Also, I've noticed that EVERYTHING has a smell...some smells are barely there, but they still exist. I can smell everything. I can tell what kind of detergent people use or even what the garbage can contains (without looking inside of it!). I think that those women who actually say that they "enjoy being pregnant" are either out of their minds or they're lying to everyone...including themselves. I knew it was going to have it's up's and down's, but so far there is really nothing kewl about being pregnant....okay, maybe it's pretty nifty to be buying really cute baby clothes and daydreaming about the baby....but aside from all that, this kinda blows chunks. Literally and figuratively speaking.
Great. It's only 3 in the afternoon and I feel the need for a nap coming on. I probably haven't slept this much since I was little. Nap time. Talk at you all later. Toodles!


Blogger Kat said...

Just take this as a time to relax, and to take time out for yourself. I kept distracted by reading and still doing a lot of the things I loved to do. We even went camping still when I was prego. Trust me when the kid starts kicking, you'll feel better about the whole thing. Oh and try bonding with the baby, talking to it while it is in your belly, I found that helped me out a lot. -Kat

3/14/2007 2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And give your baby a sweet working title like HORST



3/20/2007 4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all worth it in the end.
The cute little fingers and toes are so darn cute!!!!Have a great day. Loves yah,

3/20/2007 9:28 PM  
Blogger Allie said...

One of my friends up here is pregnant right now, and she's enjoying it now that her morning sickness is gone. So hopefully it gets better :)

3/22/2007 3:57 PM  
Blogger Cougz said...

Hey Girl! It's been awhile. Congrads on the Pregnancy. I hope it gets better. You were always an awesome girl, sorry we didn't stay in touch better...

Nichole G.

3/26/2007 10:31 PM  

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