February 8, 2007

Army can SEE!

The Army finally recognizes my pregnancy. Now, starting Monday, I can start my paperwork to get released from the Army. Matthew and I are both relieved that they finally saw that I'm "positive" because we were really worried that we'd end up being separated for a really long time. He's still expected to move up to Fort Carson, Colorado starting 17 March. I'm not happy about that and his unit won't even give him a 30 day extension so that he could help ME move up there. All we can do is hope that I can get out before the end of his 30 days of leave. Pray for that, too, please.
Back to happier stuff. I'm 6 weeks pregnant!!!
The Army nurses say that the baby will be due the 22nd of October. I personally think it'll come out around Halloween or maybe the first week of November. We already have the names picked out for the baby. If it's a boy, his name will be William Scott (Liam, for short). And if it's a girl, her name will be Zoe Rae. I'm not hoping for a specific gender, but I think all women secretly want a girl. Thank you all for your support. We really appreciate it.
Well, that about covers it for now. Take care. Keep praying for us, please. Toodles.


Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

Hopefully your move will go well! It's good to hear that things are starting to look up for you two!

3/04/2007 10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crystal, we are glad you will be able to move with Matt! I hope your move goes well!
Remember to avoid lifting heavy things when you move!!!
Love ya both!!!

3/05/2007 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. i think nov 2 would be a good day...;)

Emily K

3/06/2007 7:16 PM  

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