December 20, 2006

Good-bye, evil retainer!!!

Today is the day that I go to get my dental implants (for my eye teeth). I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm a wuss when it comes to pain. But it'll be worth it in the end, I guess. Today will suck, but I'm looking forward to the actual Christmas stuff to be happening. None of this bologna of going everywhere and doing a million things. I'm looking forward to just sitting around, B.S.-ing, eating good food (or soft foods, in my case), and opening presents with family and friends. And when that's all over, I'll be looking very forward to going back to my apartment and playing with Matthew and I's lizard, Chi-Chi. Oh, Matthew and I are going to be getting a Bengal Cat, at long last, from a friend of my Aunt Ruth's. It's a male, neutered, front paws declawed, and he's 5 years old and such a sweetheart! Matthew and I are going to try to find an apartment that'll allow us to have a cat when we get back to Texas. Yay!!! I'm so excited. And I can't wait to go down to Josh's for New Year's Eve. It sounds like it's going to be fun. Gosh, I hate waiting. Well, I should be going. Gotta leave for the clinic in a few minutes and I don't even have my shoes on. Wish me luck. Take care!!! Toodles!!!!!!!


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