March 8, 2007

MaTeRnItY sHoPpInG

I just had a Girl's-Day-Out with my friends Holly and Kayla (who recently found out that she is pregnant and due the same day as me). We went shopping for some maternity clothing. I only picked up about 6-7 shirts. I don't know what size pants I'll be needing, so I decided to wait until I'm gonna be needing them. Most of the shirts are pretty dressy, but still semi-casual. I also bought some really cute baby jumpers from Hot Topic that were on sale. SO CUTE!!! They say things like "Cute but stinky. Things even out" and "Born to Rock" and "I listen to Led Zepplin with my daddy." How cute uis THAT??? Oh, one of the shirts I purchased today says "What's Kickin'?" and it's got two little baby feet prints on it. I won't be able to were it until I get a lot bigger which is okay cuz I won't be big enough till fall and it's a long-sleeve shirt.
Us girls have been just bummin' around and enjoying the 86 degree weather. Meanwhile, Matthew and Curtis (Holly's husband) and Matt's friend, Cody, have been fixing Curtis' jeep all morning and afternoon. They had fun doing their manly things while I enjoyed spending time with the girls. Right now, the guys are cleaning-up their greasy, stinky selves so that we all can go to the movie theater. Don't know what we're gonna see, but we know we want to see a movie.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!


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