January 27, 2007


Hello, my dearest fans.
A lot has happened since my last entry. Mostly bad things. On 19 January, 2007, the band (which included me) had to perform for my division's Change of Command ceremony. About an hour or so into the ceremony, I passed-out. Not just fainted; PASSED-OUT! I didn't even come-to until the people who carried me out of the gym had already laid me out on the concrete outside. UGH! How embarrassing. Anyways, to make things worse, my commander and my 1st Sergeant got their butts chewed by the division Chief of Staff for one of their soldiers falling out at the ceremony. My commander was PISSED!!! So, I was kicked-out of the band. Yes, right there, that very same day and everything, I was kicked OUT!!!! I was then sent to another company in my battalion. My new unit is HHC. Oy! They're basically the "mutt" of units. They are compiled of clerks, mechanics, MP's (military police), and other odds and ends. Since being banished to the HHC I have been shuffled around which keeps them from being able to train me to do any specific job, so I'd become a well-paid janitor. That is until yesterday. I was sent to the battalion S-1 office (admin), and I finally have a place. My new squad leader keeps me pretty squared away, and I'm finally getting the hang of HHC's PT. It was really hard, though, at first cuz the band basically just does enough PT to barely squeeze by. Now, I'm doing almost as much PT as I'd done in AIT! Sorry, the Army's got me talking like them. :^) *shrug*
Yesterday was the first day that I didn't cry. I've missed my job in the band, but I think I can hang in this new one. I don't really have a choice except to either have a positive or negetive attitude at my new job. Who knows? Maybe, one day, the band will want me back. Meh....I don't really care so long as I eventually get released from the clutches of the evil military.
On a happier note, Matthew got PROMOTED this past Thursday. Congrats, honey! He is now SGT Houghtelin!!!! :^) No, I am not forced to stand at parade rest for him or anything dumb like that. Besides, if he ever DID make me do that, he knows that he'd get a butt-whoopin' when he'd get home. Just kidding. I'm very proud of Matthew. He's worked really hard to get his E-5 (sergeant), and now that he's got it, he's trying to get over to my battalion. This would be super kewl cuz then we would be deployed to the same camp this time. We wouldn't have to be seperated. YAY!!! Deployment would still suck, but it would suck a lot less if we were able to see each other every day. Well, that's the update. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad about your passing out. Insted of getting angry, you'd think they would be concern that something was wrong.

Have you been checked? Anything serious?

Keep us posted.
Mike (Matt's Dad)
PS Congrats to Matt again!

1/29/2007 3:52 PM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

huzzah promotion! those rascals who kicked you out... booooo hiss... also, huzzah for updates!

2/01/2007 10:10 PM  

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