December 19, 2006

Home for Christmas

Matthew and I arrived in Minnesota early morning on the 16th. We've been running all sorts of errands, updating driver's licenses and stuff, bumming around with family. Matthew went up to St.Cloud to see his dad, uncle, grandpa, and little brother the other day while I bummed around Buffalo with my parents, uncle Dennis, my sister and her boyfriend, Kevin. All in all, we've been having fun. We've been being harassed by some of our family members cuz we can't just go out and spend a week with everyone--which inevitably pisses off some people. They'll survive. Matthew and I will be going to his mom's house to celebrate Christmas with her, Dale, and Chris. We're bringing pizza and presents; Americanizing Christmas!! Tomorrow I will be getting my dental implants! Boy, is that an expensive operation. I have to pay for it out of my own pocket because the Army refused to do it. UGH! Luckily, the guy that's doing my operation took pity on me and gave me a 10% military discount. That was aweful nice of him, but it still is costing a fortune! It's a good thing I was deployed or else I'd never be able to afford the operation.
Sounds like Matthew and I will be going to his Aunt and Uncle's house for Christmas on Sunday, and then my parents are having an "open house" style Christmas on the 25th (that's Christmas Day for you folks who have no idea what date Christmas falls on). I just hope that Matthew and I don't run into as many bumps the remainder of our time on leave here in Minnesota. I hope it's relatively smooth sailing from here on out. If not, I guess I'll just have to suck it up and drive on...but I can still hope, can't I.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!!!!!!


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