December 8, 2006

Rock Steady

Gonna Rock 'N Roll all night! Wednesday night was awesome! Went to see my buddy's band, Under The Gun, on Wed. night and had a really good time. There wasn't a big turn-out as far as the audience goes, but that's because it was in Austin...they've only played in Austin 1 other time and they always get stuck on the week-day gigs. If it was a week-END day, there would definitely been some mosh-piting. Oh yeah! And tonight is their gig in Temple at Jesters! Woo-Hoo!!!! Gosh, I'm so psyched. I wish it were evening already, but sadly, it's not even 9am. Oy! My first week back at work and I'm busy, busy, busy! I love it!! Oh, and I'm no longer doing the sing-along part of my band's Christmas show...nope. I'll be video taping the whole thing to be televised on public television. Meh. Whatever. I'd be happy to not have to be there, period! But, C'est la vie, right? Oh, and my friend, Sgt Siceloff, has been on leave since the 5th and he won't be back until January. *sniffle* It's too bad he is missing all these Under The Gun shows. He loves them! Oh, well, I guess he'd have waited to go on leave if he was dead-set on going to a UTG show. Hope you're having fun on leave, Nathan. Take care!
I'll be writing more later. For now, TOODLES!!!!!


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