February 2, 2007

New Job Going Okay

Today is a relax day for us. Today is some sort of "Welcome Home, Troops!" party for all of us 4ID soldiers who were deployed. It doesn't sound too bad. They've got a rapper, some latin group and a country singer showing up, so it ought to be interesting. Meh.....I don't think I'll stay for very long. Matthew and I both have a formation to attend today, but that's it for work. It's a "training holiday" today. Hallelujah! We both needed a bit of a break.
My new job is okay. I've got my own desk, so I guess that's a plus. Also, I'm losing some flab in the mid-section due to all the PT my new unit does. So, I guess I'm doing okay. I miss the band still, but I don't miss how they never gave me an opportunity to do my job except for the ceremonies. Now, I've even been given some leadership opportunities. I've got soldiers in my office who I out-rank, and so I get to task them with missions and stuff. It's pretty nifty. Makes me kind of want to go ahead and work harder for my SGT, but I want to time it just right. It'd be nice to get promoted right now, but it'd be even better if I got promoted right before I'd have to deploy again. Nevermind...just more rambling. I'll shut-up now. I've gotta start getting ready for my formation. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great day off!!!

Hugs & Kisses!

2/02/2007 11:15 AM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

glad you're getting to do fun stuff!

2/03/2007 5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hon,
Glad you like your new job. Good idea to jump ahead while you can still make the money....smart girl....Loves Yah. It's only 24 below zero this am. Did not go to church either. Jim & Ed did tho. It is surpose to be colder tonight yet. Then start warming up.
Have a nice week. Say "hi" to Matt. Love & God Bless, Granny

2/04/2007 2:20 PM  

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