January 17, 2007

...snow day continued...

More pictures from today. Matthew is so sweet...clearing my jeep's windows of the 1/8" ice. Who'd have thunk? Ice? In TEXAS? No way! But here's the proof. We bummed around Killeen for a few hours. Matthew got his watch replaced by a new one at the Killeen mall...meanwhile I took advantage of Bath & Body Works semiannual sale. Bought some grapefruit bubble bath, mang-mandarine shower gel and creme body wash....I can't wait to take a bath tonight. Mmm...citrus. Then we went for lunch at Red Lobster...Matthew's first time there. He had some rainbow trout and I cheated on my veggie diet and had myself some grilled atlantic salmon. Soooooo good! I can't wait to take you there, Goober Pea!!!! After that we got some hot tea at Star-SHMUCKS and got some tuff bins for storage at Home Depot. We also went to Chameleon Encounters to pick Chi-Chi up some dinner. All they had was meal worms cuz their shipment didn't come in due to the ice and snow. They don't expect to recieve their shipment until the beginning of next week. Pretty sad, eh? Nothing else to write about. We've been kinda layin' around the apartment since 5pm. I did clean the bathroom. Yay for me! I've been meaning to do that for the past 3 days, but finally got to it today. I know, I'm a terrible procrastinator. C'est la vie. At least it's done now. I'm gonna end this now. "Cops most wildest police chases" is coming on right now. Toodles!!!!


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