December 31, 2005

New Year's Eve

Hope Everyone is going to be enjoying their New Year's Celebration. I know I will much as possible, anyways.
My New Year's Eve gig is tonight. Wish me luck!
Party Hard!!!!! I would if I could. Next year...oh yeah, next year.
Love ya all!

December 30, 2005

Happy Birthday, Amber!!!!

Today is Amber's 18th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Goober!!!! I'd sing to you right now, but nobody here, in the internet cafe, would want to hear that and I'd probably be banned from the internet cafe thru the remainder of my deployment, so I'll refrain from singing until your 19th birthday---you'd better believe that I'll be belting it out for that one!
Today is a good day, I guess. I got a lot of practice using my superhuman other words, I moved a lot of heavy stuff repeatedly. It was alright, tho. I got a lot of exercise and at least it wasn't raining outside. Plus, we all got our Tuff boxes...I've missed my computer so much. It's got all my music on it, and now I can also watch my beloved movies. Mmmm...sweet. Yeah, I didn't do too much. I'll be sleeping pretty good tonight! Yay for sleep. I've been missing Matthew a lot lately and I've been nervous about performing tomorrow night's concert...those two combined with an uncomfortable bed = no sleep. UGH! It could always be worse, right?
I miss home. I miss the snow. I miss all my friends and family. And I miss my couch. Oh, well, only 11 more months to go! YIPPEE!!!(please note the sarcasm there.)
I hope you all write to me. I'll write back, I promise. It would be nice to hear my name called during mail call, you know? I like getting those little pieces of home. That's the best part of the day (unless I don't get anything), so please write to me. If you don't have my address, call my parents or Grandpa Houghtelin. They would be more than happy to give it to you.
Take care of yourselves. Catch ya later!

December 28, 2005

cRaZy 88's

The piano and I are doing SWIMMINGLY!!! I'm really getting the hang of it. Sadly, I'm the apprentice of a very busy piano man...we just got all new music to learn for our new year's eve show--he's feeling very bombarded. However, the new year's eve show will be my debut! I get to play the piano for the song "Girls just wanna have fun"! I feel so kewl. Tomorrow, the piano man (my squad leader, SSG Distefano) will start to teach me how to do improv on the piano. YAY!! I'm so pumped!! So, yeah, I'm pretty happy...all considering. I'm sleeping really good too cuz I'm also in the Ironettes Dance Team. We do crazy little dances with the songs--Y.M.C.A. is a KILLER, boy, I tell you what! We're doing the YMCA just like the way they did it on "Wayne's World 2", but without the wicked-awesome costumes. *Sniffle* It'll be great anyways. I'm glad that I've had all that practice with making a fool of myself during all those crazy lip sync contests. Yes, those were the days...
Nothing much has happened since the last time I wrote in here, tho. I wrote about 4 letters to Matthew already--I've only had his address for two days. I'm making up for lost time I guess. I still miss him, but at least I'm doing something to take my mind off of how much I miss him. I'm really enjoying myself. I'd enjoy it a whole lot better if I was in the states right now, but I'm stuck here no matter what I say. "Resistance is futile!"
Thank you everyone for emailing me and for checking up on my blog every once in a while. I love my little fan club. You know I do! Keep writing...I love the mail. Take care of yourselves.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I must leave audience of screaming fans!!! "For those ready to rock, we salute you!"

December 25, 2005

MeRrY ChRiStMaS!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
I'm here and very far away from home and I miss everyone so much. I can't hardly wait for NEXT x-mas to roll around. I'm going to party straight thru from 24 Dec.-01 Jan.! I'm going to make-up for lost time. Sadly, I have to endure this christmas--my first christmas family, no Matthew, no snow...nothing. It's kinda sad. I hope everyone tries and enjoys their christmas for me! Send me pics! I wan't to cover the walls of my room with pics from home.
As you have probably already heard, Matthew and I are stationed too far apart to be able to see eachother too often. I'll see him whenever my band has a performance on his camp, or the rare occasion when he would have to convoy to my camp for some reason. We'll try to keep in touch thru snail-mail and email. We'll probably get mid-tour leave together...that'll be nice. I miss him though. That won't change, but I say "good night" to him every night before I go to sleep and I pray for God to protect us and to help us find each other when we can. We'll be okay. After all, "absence makes the heart grow fonder", right?
Tonight, my band will be performing TWO christmas concerts for the soldiers here on my camp. It's going to be fun. Last night's performance was really good, so hopefully the word will have gotten out and we'll have a larger audience tonight. I'm looking forward to playing 2nd keyboard for the rock band. That's exciting for me! I've always wanted to play for something like that, and now I've finally got my big chance! Good luck to me!
I miss you all. I can't wait to see you all again. Take care of yourselves and have a very Merry Christmas. I need to end this here or else I'll be late for rehearsal. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

December 19, 2005

Another day in PARADISE

Yep...that it is...NOT!!!!
I've got 3 more days till I move on to my next location--which is where I'll be for the remainder of my deployment. Matthew is going to still be in the field for the next 3 days, so it's unlikely that I'll be seeing him before I leave here. I hope that I'll get to see him once in a while when I visit other camps to perform for the troops.
I've gotten to experience my first mini sandstorm a few days ago. I can't remember if I wrote about it, but it sucked!!!
I'm so anxious to be done with this deployment already. My journal (hand written one) is filling up with a lot of angst! I don't like it here, and my journal definitely knows it! I can't wait to go home and see everyone.
I'm still not part of a major performing group, but things might change once we get in theater. The future still holds some possibility.
I don't have much time left so this'll have to do for now. Take it easy, my fan-club!

December 14, 2005

HoW rOmAnTiCaL...

Yesterday was Matthew and I's 1 year wedding anniversary. We couldn't do very much due to the circumstances, but we hung out a bit. He took me to dinner at the DFAC (such a romantic place *wink*) and then we went on a very romantic stroll in the almost full moonlight thru the Army brown tents, and then we went to the PX in search of laundry bags (no such luck), and finally we ended the evening with another casual stroll through "Tent City". We definately tried to enjoy ourselves. It was about as good of a deployed anniversary as we could expect. We thought about watching a movie at the MWR building, but decided against it as it would interfere with formation times. Yeah. It was beautiful. At least we were together for a bit, right?
Well, in other news, my band is performing tonight. It's a large Christmas show and I got to help with the decorations! YAY!! P.S. I've got my address now, so check your emails. I'll send it out to you.
That's all for now. Ciao!

December 6, 2005

Saw Matthew!!!

More Details!
I got stuck in Bangor, Maine on my way here for 20 hours. Didn't get to see anything but a hotel and the airport. We were on "hotel arrest"! UGH!! Anyways. Then we went to Frankfurter-Hahn, Germany. That was pretty awesome. They had gotten 6" of snow the day before so we were all having a snowball fight during our 3 hour lay-over there. That was fun. Now I'm here. I can't really say where "here" is, but it's not my final destination over here, I'll tell you that.
Can't really write anything more. Catch ya all later. Peace!!

December 3, 2005

Greetings From the DESERT sucks. I'm still suffering from Jet Lag. (I'm not sure how to spell that) I hear that things will get better. My battle buddy, Fry, is taking good care of me. She's so funny.
We don't do much. I try to read on my cot, but I usually pass out within 5 minutes or so. I'm so tired all the time. I've been taking sudaphed like crazy cuz all the sand blowing around really bothers my sinus'.
Well, not much to tell right now. I should have a snail-mail address in a couple weeks. Thank you for being so loyal to my blog site. I love you all!!!!
I should get going. It's 4 am now and I should go get in line for breakfast!
Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!!!