December 28, 2005

cRaZy 88's

The piano and I are doing SWIMMINGLY!!! I'm really getting the hang of it. Sadly, I'm the apprentice of a very busy piano man...we just got all new music to learn for our new year's eve show--he's feeling very bombarded. However, the new year's eve show will be my debut! I get to play the piano for the song "Girls just wanna have fun"! I feel so kewl. Tomorrow, the piano man (my squad leader, SSG Distefano) will start to teach me how to do improv on the piano. YAY!! I'm so pumped!! So, yeah, I'm pretty happy...all considering. I'm sleeping really good too cuz I'm also in the Ironettes Dance Team. We do crazy little dances with the songs--Y.M.C.A. is a KILLER, boy, I tell you what! We're doing the YMCA just like the way they did it on "Wayne's World 2", but without the wicked-awesome costumes. *Sniffle* It'll be great anyways. I'm glad that I've had all that practice with making a fool of myself during all those crazy lip sync contests. Yes, those were the days...
Nothing much has happened since the last time I wrote in here, tho. I wrote about 4 letters to Matthew already--I've only had his address for two days. I'm making up for lost time I guess. I still miss him, but at least I'm doing something to take my mind off of how much I miss him. I'm really enjoying myself. I'd enjoy it a whole lot better if I was in the states right now, but I'm stuck here no matter what I say. "Resistance is futile!"
Thank you everyone for emailing me and for checking up on my blog every once in a while. I love my little fan club. You know I do! Keep writing...I love the mail. Take care of yourselves.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I must leave audience of screaming fans!!! "For those ready to rock, we salute you!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. doesn't sound all toooooo horrible =)..

BUT! I used to play a little guitar so I got a new one & am .. well. I suck. but I'm working on getting better. w00t.

12/29/2005 8:13 AM  

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