December 19, 2005

Another day in PARADISE

Yep...that it is...NOT!!!!
I've got 3 more days till I move on to my next location--which is where I'll be for the remainder of my deployment. Matthew is going to still be in the field for the next 3 days, so it's unlikely that I'll be seeing him before I leave here. I hope that I'll get to see him once in a while when I visit other camps to perform for the troops.
I've gotten to experience my first mini sandstorm a few days ago. I can't remember if I wrote about it, but it sucked!!!
I'm so anxious to be done with this deployment already. My journal (hand written one) is filling up with a lot of angst! I don't like it here, and my journal definitely knows it! I can't wait to go home and see everyone.
I'm still not part of a major performing group, but things might change once we get in theater. The future still holds some possibility.
I don't have much time left so this'll have to do for now. Take it easy, my fan-club!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Crystal! Dawn and I read this entry. Dawn says she feels for you. She also enjoys reading your posting.

Hey, Umm... how do I get a hold of you?

12/19/2005 9:27 PM  

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