December 3, 2005

Greetings From the DESERT sucks. I'm still suffering from Jet Lag. (I'm not sure how to spell that) I hear that things will get better. My battle buddy, Fry, is taking good care of me. She's so funny.
We don't do much. I try to read on my cot, but I usually pass out within 5 minutes or so. I'm so tired all the time. I've been taking sudaphed like crazy cuz all the sand blowing around really bothers my sinus'.
Well, not much to tell right now. I should have a snail-mail address in a couple weeks. Thank you for being so loyal to my blog site. I love you all!!!!
I should get going. It's 4 am now and I should go get in line for breakfast!
Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!!!


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