December 25, 2005

MeRrY ChRiStMaS!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
I'm here and very far away from home and I miss everyone so much. I can't hardly wait for NEXT x-mas to roll around. I'm going to party straight thru from 24 Dec.-01 Jan.! I'm going to make-up for lost time. Sadly, I have to endure this christmas--my first christmas family, no Matthew, no snow...nothing. It's kinda sad. I hope everyone tries and enjoys their christmas for me! Send me pics! I wan't to cover the walls of my room with pics from home.
As you have probably already heard, Matthew and I are stationed too far apart to be able to see eachother too often. I'll see him whenever my band has a performance on his camp, or the rare occasion when he would have to convoy to my camp for some reason. We'll try to keep in touch thru snail-mail and email. We'll probably get mid-tour leave together...that'll be nice. I miss him though. That won't change, but I say "good night" to him every night before I go to sleep and I pray for God to protect us and to help us find each other when we can. We'll be okay. After all, "absence makes the heart grow fonder", right?
Tonight, my band will be performing TWO christmas concerts for the soldiers here on my camp. It's going to be fun. Last night's performance was really good, so hopefully the word will have gotten out and we'll have a larger audience tonight. I'm looking forward to playing 2nd keyboard for the rock band. That's exciting for me! I've always wanted to play for something like that, and now I've finally got my big chance! Good luck to me!
I miss you all. I can't wait to see you all again. Take care of yourselves and have a very Merry Christmas. I need to end this here or else I'll be late for rehearsal. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no snow in missouri for Christmas either, it came down too early and melted. ARg!

Merry Christmas!

12/26/2005 12:07 AM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

We still have some snow in MN, but it's mostly ice now after it got warm and rained for a day. Merry Christmas!

12/26/2005 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the phone call! It is wonderful to hear your voice...even with all the coughing! We love you and pray for you and Matt daily. Daddy

12/27/2005 3:29 PM  

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