December 30, 2005

Happy Birthday, Amber!!!!

Today is Amber's 18th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Goober!!!! I'd sing to you right now, but nobody here, in the internet cafe, would want to hear that and I'd probably be banned from the internet cafe thru the remainder of my deployment, so I'll refrain from singing until your 19th birthday---you'd better believe that I'll be belting it out for that one!
Today is a good day, I guess. I got a lot of practice using my superhuman other words, I moved a lot of heavy stuff repeatedly. It was alright, tho. I got a lot of exercise and at least it wasn't raining outside. Plus, we all got our Tuff boxes...I've missed my computer so much. It's got all my music on it, and now I can also watch my beloved movies. Mmmm...sweet. Yeah, I didn't do too much. I'll be sleeping pretty good tonight! Yay for sleep. I've been missing Matthew a lot lately and I've been nervous about performing tomorrow night's concert...those two combined with an uncomfortable bed = no sleep. UGH! It could always be worse, right?
I miss home. I miss the snow. I miss all my friends and family. And I miss my couch. Oh, well, only 11 more months to go! YIPPEE!!!(please note the sarcasm there.)
I hope you all write to me. I'll write back, I promise. It would be nice to hear my name called during mail call, you know? I like getting those little pieces of home. That's the best part of the day (unless I don't get anything), so please write to me. If you don't have my address, call my parents or Grandpa Houghtelin. They would be more than happy to give it to you.
Take care of yourselves. Catch ya later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, Crystal, give me an address and I'll keep you posted on what is going on in Missouri...It is New Years Eve now and I have my little bottle of Japanese wine to consume at the appropriate hour. We remain somewhat sane here..Love, Grams Moran

12/31/2005 5:32 PM  

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