November 30, 2006

Matthew coming home

Yepper-ski-bob! Matthew is in Bangor, Maine right now and will, hopefully, be here in Texas early this afternoon. I'm pretty psyched!
Gotta get going, now. Gotta get everything ready for his grandios return. OY! Take care. I'll be updating this again soon. Love y'all! toodles!!!

November 28, 2006

Hubbie home tomorrow

Matthew will be coming to the states tomorrow evening. I hope he doesn't get back too late at night cuz these early mornings are whooping my butt! Wake up super early to stand in line for HOURS on end! Today I got all kinds of shots and they took some of my blood, which I prefer to keep inside my own body, thank you. C'est la vie. At least I'm back, right? I just am really excited for Matthew to be back. It'll be nice to get to spend some time with him again.

November 26, 2006

It's a feel-good day

Hi all.
Today was a feel-good day. It wasn't hot or cold stayed pretty clouded over (my favorite kind of day). I took an actual bubble bath...with Mr.Bubbles and everything. It was very relaxing. Forgot how nice a good bubble bath could be. Oh, and I finally left my apartment for the first time in 3 days. Not to do anything kewl, but just to see what was all going down at Wal-Mart. I picked-up a Seether CD, some scented oil candles, and a grill lighter.! It was nice to just get out and move around. I'm kind of anxious to see what work will be like, but for the first 3-4 days I'll be stuck doing post-deployment briefings. Oy!
Watched a lot of "Monk". It's a good show. I like it. Kinda funny.
Well, nothing much else to talk about. Matthew should be back around Wednesday. Three days. Ain't nothing compared to what I've waited already. :^) Talk at ya later. Toodles!!!

November 24, 2006

The Joy of Pickled Okra!

Greetings and salutations.
I'm bored. Hmmm, so lets go on the net and update my blog with a whole lot of NOTHING!
Thanksgiving was about as boring as I'd predicted, but I watched a lot of TV and enjoyed some homemade pot roast. Mmm...even though I was alone, it was better than eating at a DFAC. No more Army food...for a while.
Apparently Matthew's buddy, Cody, left Iraq yesterday, and Matthew instructed Cody to call me when he gets here, so I should have company soon. YAY! I was so bored this morning that I started talking to my stuffed tiger. He didn't say much back, tho. *sniffle*
Other than a lof of TV and piano practice, nothing really going on here. Hope everyone is doing well. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Peace out!

November 23, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!

Hey, Fans!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.
A lot of you have been wondering when you'll all get to see me. Well, you are more than welcome to come down and visit me, but I'll be in Minnesota after the 15th of December. Don't know how long I'll be up there...I'll probably be back in Texas by New Years, though. I'll be getting my dental implants during that first week of leave, but I would love to see as many people as possible.
Can't wait to see you all. Matthew should be returning from Iraq within a week. Can't wait for things to return to being somewhat normal. Love you all! *hugs* Talk at ya later! Toodles!!!

November 21, 2006

miss my buds

Hi all.

I've been back for the past two days. Yay! Sadly, my parents will be leaving tomorrow morning and I miss all my buds that I could hang-out with back in Iraq. Buddies like Sgt Siceloff. I did get to visit with him and his wife the first night that I was back, but it wasn't anything like it was back in Iraq. C'est la vie. I've just gotta suffer thru it for another week or so, then Matthew will be back and hopefully relieve some of my bordom. Still don't know exactly when he'll be back. That makes me sad. I'll probably be at work when he gets back, which really sucks. I want to be there to pick him up when he gets back. Damn work! Always getting in my way. UGH!

I've got cable now. Huzzah!!!! Invader Zim was the first TV show that I watched. Heh heh heh. It's nice to be able to just veg-out in front of the TV. Next up is Ren & Stimpy. YAY!!!!! Good stuff.

Almost completely moved-in to the apartment. Whew. Gonna wait for Matthew to get back to try an finish the moving bit. I put up a Christmas tree and some lights. Definitely gives it a homey feel. Had to put it out on the balcony cuz there wasn't enough room in the living room. Meh... It looks better outside anyways. Can't wait to go home on leave. Although, the peace and quiet and alone time is kinda nice right now. I'll be anxious to socialize again soon, though. Hopefully the Siceloff's won't mind me coming over to visit them again sometime soon. We'll see. Miss all of my friends. Hope all is well with you! Take care. Toodles!!!

November 19, 2006

Layed-over in Bangor!

I'm ready to go to Texas NOW!!!! I've been stuck here, in Maine since 2030 last night and it is now1045! Yes, it's been 14 hrs and 15 minutes so far and I've still got 4 hours to go. UGH!!!! I can't wait to be done with all this bologna!!!!! It's a scary pic of me cuz that's the way I feel. Totally bummed and pissed-off that people who left Iraq almost 2 days after me, they are already home and probably ahve 2-3 beers in them by now. Thems are all hosers!! *#%$@(!*
Well, I hope all is well for you guys. Take it easy, and all that Jazz. Talk at yah later! Toodles.

November 18, 2006

Taking the long way home.

Hey Fans!
I've joined the Army to see the Tarmaks(sp?) of lots of different countries. So far, in one year, I've seen Newfoundland, Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, Iraq, Russia, and Spain! I'm in Rota, Spain right now. Next stop--Bangor, Maine. After about 3/4 of a day's wait there, I'll finally be on my way to Texas! YAY!!!! I miss home so much. Can't wait to see you all. Thank you for all the support you all have given me this past year. Oh, right now I'm acting First Sergeant...seeing as how there are only two people left from my and SGT Leichsenring (who is now acting Commander). LOL....
Well, my next entry should be from stateside. See you all eventually!!! Take care. Toodles.

November 15, 2006

smell of freedom

"And I've seen blue skies through the tears in my eyes. And I realize...I'm going home."
~Rocky Horror Picture Show
That's right. I can acctually COUNT DOWN the hours now. It's still technically days, but I like the hour thing. I'm so close to going home that I can acctually smell the freedom. I'm so excited!! I can't wait to get home.
Nathan Siceloff will be leaving within the next 24 hours. *sniffle* I'm happy for him. I wish that I were going home now, but at least I'll be able to hang out with him and his wife when I get back to the states. That'll be more fun than hanging with him here.
Matthew's situation still has not changed as of yet. At least he'll be home for Christmas, though. That makes me happy.
I need to get going. Take it easy. I hope to see you all within a month. TOODLES!!! Peace out!