November 19, 2006

Layed-over in Bangor!

I'm ready to go to Texas NOW!!!! I've been stuck here, in Maine since 2030 last night and it is now1045! Yes, it's been 14 hrs and 15 minutes so far and I've still got 4 hours to go. UGH!!!! I can't wait to be done with all this bologna!!!!! It's a scary pic of me cuz that's the way I feel. Totally bummed and pissed-off that people who left Iraq almost 2 days after me, they are already home and probably ahve 2-3 beers in them by now. Thems are all hosers!! *#%$@(!*
Well, I hope all is well for you guys. Take it easy, and all that Jazz. Talk at yah later! Toodles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheesh, you keep forgeting... YOUR IN THE ARMY!!!

heh, heh. Anyway.
Glad your out of there for now.
Matt tryed calling me twice in a row. I was unable to answer the phone. DAMN!
Anyway.. To Matt, keep trying!
Glad to hear your back Crystal


11/20/2006 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

w000t. At least you are in the states! Can't wait until you guys get a chance to visit or vice versa! Now you'll only be 10 hours away instead of half the globe. yay!

11/21/2006 8:55 AM  

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