November 15, 2006

smell of freedom

"And I've seen blue skies through the tears in my eyes. And I realize...I'm going home."
~Rocky Horror Picture Show
That's right. I can acctually COUNT DOWN the hours now. It's still technically days, but I like the hour thing. I'm so close to going home that I can acctually smell the freedom. I'm so excited!! I can't wait to get home.
Nathan Siceloff will be leaving within the next 24 hours. *sniffle* I'm happy for him. I wish that I were going home now, but at least I'll be able to hang out with him and his wife when I get back to the states. That'll be more fun than hanging with him here.
Matthew's situation still has not changed as of yet. At least he'll be home for Christmas, though. That makes me happy.
I need to get going. Take it easy. I hope to see you all within a month. TOODLES!!! Peace out!


Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

yay! coming home! huzzah!

11/17/2006 11:03 PM  

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