November 18, 2006

Taking the long way home.

Hey Fans!
I've joined the Army to see the Tarmaks(sp?) of lots of different countries. So far, in one year, I've seen Newfoundland, Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, Iraq, Russia, and Spain! I'm in Rota, Spain right now. Next stop--Bangor, Maine. After about 3/4 of a day's wait there, I'll finally be on my way to Texas! YAY!!!! I miss home so much. Can't wait to see you all. Thank you for all the support you all have given me this past year. Oh, right now I'm acting First Sergeant...seeing as how there are only two people left from my and SGT Leichsenring (who is now acting Commander). LOL....
Well, my next entry should be from stateside. See you all eventually!!! Take care. Toodles.


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