November 21, 2006

miss my buds

Hi all.

I've been back for the past two days. Yay! Sadly, my parents will be leaving tomorrow morning and I miss all my buds that I could hang-out with back in Iraq. Buddies like Sgt Siceloff. I did get to visit with him and his wife the first night that I was back, but it wasn't anything like it was back in Iraq. C'est la vie. I've just gotta suffer thru it for another week or so, then Matthew will be back and hopefully relieve some of my bordom. Still don't know exactly when he'll be back. That makes me sad. I'll probably be at work when he gets back, which really sucks. I want to be there to pick him up when he gets back. Damn work! Always getting in my way. UGH!

I've got cable now. Huzzah!!!! Invader Zim was the first TV show that I watched. Heh heh heh. It's nice to be able to just veg-out in front of the TV. Next up is Ren & Stimpy. YAY!!!!! Good stuff.

Almost completely moved-in to the apartment. Whew. Gonna wait for Matthew to get back to try an finish the moving bit. I put up a Christmas tree and some lights. Definitely gives it a homey feel. Had to put it out on the balcony cuz there wasn't enough room in the living room. Meh... It looks better outside anyways. Can't wait to go home on leave. Although, the peace and quiet and alone time is kinda nice right now. I'll be anxious to socialize again soon, though. Hopefully the Siceloff's won't mind me coming over to visit them again sometime soon. We'll see. Miss all of my friends. Hope all is well with you! Take care. Toodles!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where I can find Nathan Siceloff. I was in the same Platoon as he was when we were both in Germany, any help would be appreciated. I have been trying to find him since 2004. My email is If you hear from him tell him Adam (SGT Ellsworth) says Hi. If anyone has any contact info, please let me know, Thanks , Adam

9/12/2009 8:49 PM  

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