March 31, 2006

High Hopes

" I've got high hopes. I've got high hopes. I've got hot apple pie in the sky hopes. Every time you're feelin' low, here's the way to go. Just remember that....oh, bullocks! Woops, there it goes...2.5 years of my life!!!!"
Hello people. I'm doing okay today. Really. I've just had that darned "high hopes" song stuck in my head for the past 2-3 days. UGH!! And it won't go away. That, plus the fact that I'm roasting and miserable and far, far, far away from people I care about. I miss you guys. My adoring fan club. I can't wait to see you guys again. To be back on the wagon of shaking babies and kissing, er...something like that.
I'm still working on getting to Camp Livingroom (aka "civilian life"). I've got some more stuff about getting the Army to pay for my college tuition while I"m out here. Yeah. Now, I just have got to do the paper work and stuff. Oh, well. It's worth it and it'll give me something to help take my mind off of how much I miss home and everyone.
I'm pleased to report that I've finally gotten in touch with 3 friends that I thought I'd never hear from again. Jes Creech, Denise Hagen, and Jenn Stavseth. Yeah! Thank you for writing to me. I can't wait to hear from you all again. This is so kewl. It's like a family reunion, but better in a way. Okay, I'll shut-up now. I'm just so excited about expanding my friend list once again! I love you all!!!!
I really should get going now. I've gotta head back to the band hall. I'll be publishing some more pics on here soon! Stay tuned!
Love ya. Toodles!!!!

March 27, 2006

temperature's risin'...

It's starting to get warmer out! I sweat even when I'm not doing anything. It feels like it's the end of June in Minnesota. I kinda like it, but I know that it's going to get a whole lot warmer out by the time summer shows it's true self. Oy! Not looking forward to that part, but I ought to loose some weight, seeing as how it'll probably feel like a not-so-humid sauna outside, right?
Matthew and I are still hoping to be able to do 4 days of R&R out here this coming month (April). His people haven't given him a straight answer on whether he can go yet...they keep saying "maybe". All we can do is hope for the best, though. At least I know I will for sure be seeing him for one day next month. My rock band is scheduled to do a performance over at his camp. YAY!! I get to play 'roadie' again. I can't hardly wait. I'm going to try and take a whole bunch of pictures while I'm there so that I can put them up on my blog, here, and share them with all of you! Matthew is such a handsome guy. I can't get enough of him. *wink*
Speaking of the Rock Band, that's where the two pics above came from. The top one is of SPC Windsor(tbone), SGT Agee(sax), and SGT Williams(trumpet). The pic under them is of SGT Arizmendi. They're all pretty kewl. Windsor is on leave right now, and on Friday this week, he's going to be getting married to a really nice girl from Denver, Colorado, named Natatlie. I'm so happy for them. Agee's already married with two kids--but he's a nice guy and will help out whenever/wherever he can. Williams--well, he's a lunatic. He's great fun and we always enjoy watching him hurt himself. It's like watching Charlie Chaplin or something. Arizmendi is pretty kewl too. He likes to party and play heavy metal/punk music. He's a fantastic drummer...and he's in his own band in the civilian world, who actually has made a CD and has had their music played on the radio all over Texas. There band is called Under The Gun. They are awesome. I've got a couple of their songs on my MP3 player. Someday, I'll figure out how to put tunes on my blog and then you all will be able to listen to them too.
I should be going. Take care. Love you all. Keep writing. Thanks for all the support. Toodles!!!

March 23, 2006

sugar-pie, honey-bunch

I got to see Matthew today!!! He had to convoy to my camp, and his people dropped him off right at the band hall!! It was great. He walked into the rehearsal hall while my little jazz combo was rehearsing...he just stood there and smiled at me. I was to excited to see him that I kept messing up my part!!!! It's great that my heart still does flip-flops when he walks into the room! I love him so much. We got to spend almost two hours together. We ate luch together and I showed him the bazaar. We really enjoyed our short little visit. It was just nice to see him and hold him and to tell him in person how much I love him. I'm still all mushy about it, but I can't help it. He just makes me so happy! I LOVE YOU MATTHEW!!!!!!!!*hugs**smooches*
Hope everybody's day is going as good as mine. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!

March 21, 2006

is that like "Desperado"???

This is my Squad leader and my keyboard instructor. This is the amazing SSG DiStefano, Josh. He's a pretty kewl guy. Fun, funny, easy going...and sometimes kinda clever and whacky. I really enjoy being around him. He always manages to brighten anyone's mood.

The "is that like desperado" thing comes from this drunken chick that he'd met at a bar once...she was totally wasted, and when he told her his name that was what she asked in between drunken giggles. Girls are so easy. Yeah, anyways...we always give him crap about that. I don't know, I guess it's an inside joke. You'd get it if you ever met the guy, but who knows, maybe you will thru video.

Not much is going on. Still miss home, and I can't wait to see Matthew again. Hope all is well stateside. I look forward to all the mail you all have been sending me. Take care and can't wait to hear from you again (hopefully soon). Toodles!!!!!

March 17, 2006

WiFe nAgGiNg

Today, one of my buddies finally called his wife after not calling home in 3 weeks!!! Yeah, she wasn't very happy. You could hear her screaming at him on the other end of the room...he had to hold the phone away from his ear to keep from damaging his hearing! After about 10 minutes of that, he said to her,"Sorry, honey, but we'll have to talk about this later. I've gotta go cuz we're being attacked!" and he hung up the phone. We really weren't being attacked, but I thought it was kinda funny that he couldn't take the heat.
Nothing else happened today. Nothing of importance anyway. Talk to you all later. Take care!!! TOODLES!!!!!!!!!

March 16, 2006

my favorite rock girl

This little girl is going to be VERY popular with the punk and rock bands in her future!!!

This is a pic of one of my buddy's nieces. She's a sweetheart, but she's a bit spoiled. I guess they get that way when they're an only child and a GIRL to boot.

I still dig the pic and I thought that you would too.

Take care. I'll probably write more later.


March 15, 2006

duty duty duty duty

Yep! I've got guard duty again tonight. Not really looking forward to it, but not much I can do but just take it and move on. I miss home and I miss being a civilian. I can't wait to get out of the Army...I feel like I've missed out on so much since I joined. I am tired of missing people and things and life!!! I just want to go home. I wish I was Dorothy and could just click my ruby slippers together and go home. Too bad adulthood isn't as easy as childhood, eh?
I don't think I've grown up all that much. I've just noticed a few changes. Some good, some bad. I think the first big change was when I found my first grey hair (JUST ONE) 3 days ago. My roomie thinks it's the stress. I don't know what I think...other than that it would suck if I'm going to have a full head of grey hair by the time I'm 25!!!! YIPES!!!!!!
I'm doing okay. You don't have to worry about me. Matthew and I are taking care of eachother the best that we can. We miss you and can't wait to come home to you guys. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!

March 14, 2006

sLoW LeArNeR

Hey everybody.
Sorry that I haven't been able to do anything on my blog for a while. The internet was down for a week and now, it won't let me add pics...the downloading time takes too long. Too many filters and stuff. You know the deal.
It's getting warmer. I miss Matthew now more than ever before. And I keep hoping to see him, but something always comes up. Yeah. Same old crap, right?
I can't wait to go home, but that isn't news either.
I guess the only thing new with me is that I feel like I'm changing. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. I feel myself maturing some, and as much as I'm fighting it, I think it's still fast approaching. Is that how it feels to be getting older???? I don't know, I've just been lost in my own little world for the past couple of days. I've been doing a lot of journaling too.
Well, I should get going. Toodles.