March 27, 2006

temperature's risin'...

It's starting to get warmer out! I sweat even when I'm not doing anything. It feels like it's the end of June in Minnesota. I kinda like it, but I know that it's going to get a whole lot warmer out by the time summer shows it's true self. Oy! Not looking forward to that part, but I ought to loose some weight, seeing as how it'll probably feel like a not-so-humid sauna outside, right?
Matthew and I are still hoping to be able to do 4 days of R&R out here this coming month (April). His people haven't given him a straight answer on whether he can go yet...they keep saying "maybe". All we can do is hope for the best, though. At least I know I will for sure be seeing him for one day next month. My rock band is scheduled to do a performance over at his camp. YAY!! I get to play 'roadie' again. I can't hardly wait. I'm going to try and take a whole bunch of pictures while I'm there so that I can put them up on my blog, here, and share them with all of you! Matthew is such a handsome guy. I can't get enough of him. *wink*
Speaking of the Rock Band, that's where the two pics above came from. The top one is of SPC Windsor(tbone), SGT Agee(sax), and SGT Williams(trumpet). The pic under them is of SGT Arizmendi. They're all pretty kewl. Windsor is on leave right now, and on Friday this week, he's going to be getting married to a really nice girl from Denver, Colorado, named Natatlie. I'm so happy for them. Agee's already married with two kids--but he's a nice guy and will help out whenever/wherever he can. Williams--well, he's a lunatic. He's great fun and we always enjoy watching him hurt himself. It's like watching Charlie Chaplin or something. Arizmendi is pretty kewl too. He likes to party and play heavy metal/punk music. He's a fantastic drummer...and he's in his own band in the civilian world, who actually has made a CD and has had their music played on the radio all over Texas. There band is called Under The Gun. They are awesome. I've got a couple of their songs on my MP3 player. Someday, I'll figure out how to put tunes on my blog and then you all will be able to listen to them too.
I should be going. Take care. Love you all. Keep writing. Thanks for all the support. Toodles!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is nice to see pictures again! I hope this means you got your camera! Stay in the shade and drink lots of water! Don't forget your seatbelt!

3/27/2006 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear you are playing again.
It makes time go faster for you. Enjoyed your pictures. I'm sending you some of when Uncle Butch was back. Thought you'd get a kick out of them. Loves Yah

3/28/2006 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear you are playing again.
It makes time go faster for you. Enjoyed your pictures. I'm sending you some of when Uncle Butch was back. Thought you'd get a kick out of them. Loves Yah

3/28/2006 8:42 PM  
Blogger Fishguts said...

Hi Jenn.
I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. Gimme a last name or something, please. I have a few friends named Jenn, a last name would help narrow-down the possiblities.
Take care.

3/30/2006 3:43 AM  

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