March 21, 2006

is that like "Desperado"???

This is my Squad leader and my keyboard instructor. This is the amazing SSG DiStefano, Josh. He's a pretty kewl guy. Fun, funny, easy going...and sometimes kinda clever and whacky. I really enjoy being around him. He always manages to brighten anyone's mood.

The "is that like desperado" thing comes from this drunken chick that he'd met at a bar once...she was totally wasted, and when he told her his name that was what she asked in between drunken giggles. Girls are so easy. Yeah, anyways...we always give him crap about that. I don't know, I guess it's an inside joke. You'd get it if you ever met the guy, but who knows, maybe you will thru video.

Not much is going on. Still miss home, and I can't wait to see Matthew again. Hope all is well stateside. I look forward to all the mail you all have been sending me. Take care and can't wait to hear from you again (hopefully soon). Toodles!!!!!


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