March 31, 2006

High Hopes

" I've got high hopes. I've got high hopes. I've got hot apple pie in the sky hopes. Every time you're feelin' low, here's the way to go. Just remember that....oh, bullocks! Woops, there it goes...2.5 years of my life!!!!"
Hello people. I'm doing okay today. Really. I've just had that darned "high hopes" song stuck in my head for the past 2-3 days. UGH!! And it won't go away. That, plus the fact that I'm roasting and miserable and far, far, far away from people I care about. I miss you guys. My adoring fan club. I can't wait to see you guys again. To be back on the wagon of shaking babies and kissing, er...something like that.
I'm still working on getting to Camp Livingroom (aka "civilian life"). I've got some more stuff about getting the Army to pay for my college tuition while I"m out here. Yeah. Now, I just have got to do the paper work and stuff. Oh, well. It's worth it and it'll give me something to help take my mind off of how much I miss home and everyone.
I'm pleased to report that I've finally gotten in touch with 3 friends that I thought I'd never hear from again. Jes Creech, Denise Hagen, and Jenn Stavseth. Yeah! Thank you for writing to me. I can't wait to hear from you all again. This is so kewl. It's like a family reunion, but better in a way. Okay, I'll shut-up now. I'm just so excited about expanding my friend list once again! I love you all!!!!
I really should get going now. I've gotta head back to the band hall. I'll be publishing some more pics on here soon! Stay tuned!
Love ya. Toodles!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I will have show tunes in my head all weekend long!
Stay in the shade and drink plenty of water!
Love ya!

3/31/2006 10:49 AM  

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