March 14, 2006

sLoW LeArNeR

Hey everybody.
Sorry that I haven't been able to do anything on my blog for a while. The internet was down for a week and now, it won't let me add pics...the downloading time takes too long. Too many filters and stuff. You know the deal.
It's getting warmer. I miss Matthew now more than ever before. And I keep hoping to see him, but something always comes up. Yeah. Same old crap, right?
I can't wait to go home, but that isn't news either.
I guess the only thing new with me is that I feel like I'm changing. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. I feel myself maturing some, and as much as I'm fighting it, I think it's still fast approaching. Is that how it feels to be getting older???? I don't know, I've just been lost in my own little world for the past couple of days. I've been doing a lot of journaling too.
Well, I should get going. Toodles.


Blogger Kat said...

Yeah, that's how it feels to get older, welcome to 21 babe! Though you might be maturing, don't loose your imagination or the little kid inside you, you'll be hard pressed to get through life without being able to be a kid every now and again. We love you and are thinking about you! Kat and Rod

3/14/2006 11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/14/2006 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you. Remember it's not that long now when you get to come home.All you can do is do as they say and watch the time go. Hope fast! We are all waiting for the day too. Just remember God loves you and so does the family and that's all that matters. So do the best you can so you can get back her safely and live forever with Matthew. I'm glad your growing up. I never did.....That's why I have so many ups and downs......No matter if your grown up or not we'll all love you. What you are going through over there you'll appreciate when you get out. Even if you don't think so. Every thing you do you'll think is this what they taught me!!!!It helps even if it hurts right now.
Love you so much honey. Granny's doing pretty good now. Don't know if you knew I was in the hospital for a bowel obstruction. They got it out by putting a tube down my nose and suctioning it out. No surgery thank God.....Loves you as always. Granny

3/14/2006 3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cutie...
Maybe use a lighter shade of blue on this blog spot... I could hardly see the words here.
You are living through one more big stepping stone in your life. It is all a big learning experience for you. Just don't waste time regretting things. Dust yourself off and keep walking. The next stone may not be so dang hard to walk on.
Love you kiddo.

3/16/2006 8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like what your Dad said. He's so darn smart. He's got a good head on his shoulder's. You take after him in that way. Be patient and strong. Just remember you'll never forget what you are learning and it does make you smarter even if you don't think so.
Just Granny loves you a whole bunch

3/24/2006 12:27 AM  

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