March 23, 2006

sugar-pie, honey-bunch

I got to see Matthew today!!! He had to convoy to my camp, and his people dropped him off right at the band hall!! It was great. He walked into the rehearsal hall while my little jazz combo was rehearsing...he just stood there and smiled at me. I was to excited to see him that I kept messing up my part!!!! It's great that my heart still does flip-flops when he walks into the room! I love him so much. We got to spend almost two hours together. We ate luch together and I showed him the bazaar. We really enjoyed our short little visit. It was just nice to see him and hold him and to tell him in person how much I love him. I'm still all mushy about it, but I can't help it. He just makes me so happy! I LOVE YOU MATTHEW!!!!!!!!*hugs**smooches*
Hope everybody's day is going as good as mine. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!


Blogger Kat said...

Isn't it nice to feel all gushy inside!! That's how Rod make me feel too, I love being in love!

3/23/2006 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love is the most important thing in life and it's wonderful. You don't know the real heavy love until you meet your husband. I'm real glad for you kids getting together once in awhile. Makes the time go faster. Got your card today. Real cool.....Miss you guys too;;; Hope you get together on his birthday next month. Tell him we love him......and you tooooooo!!
Mushy mushy kissy kissy to you
and a great big smack to. Granny

3/24/2006 12:05 AM  

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