March 15, 2006

duty duty duty duty

Yep! I've got guard duty again tonight. Not really looking forward to it, but not much I can do but just take it and move on. I miss home and I miss being a civilian. I can't wait to get out of the Army...I feel like I've missed out on so much since I joined. I am tired of missing people and things and life!!! I just want to go home. I wish I was Dorothy and could just click my ruby slippers together and go home. Too bad adulthood isn't as easy as childhood, eh?
I don't think I've grown up all that much. I've just noticed a few changes. Some good, some bad. I think the first big change was when I found my first grey hair (JUST ONE) 3 days ago. My roomie thinks it's the stress. I don't know what I think...other than that it would suck if I'm going to have a full head of grey hair by the time I'm 25!!!! YIPES!!!!!!
I'm doing okay. You don't have to worry about me. Matthew and I are taking care of eachother the best that we can. We miss you and can't wait to come home to you guys. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me, I pray for you every day and am dreaming of when you can come back stateside!
You can always color the gray hair!
Love you!

3/15/2006 3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sweet Dtr...
You earned that one. Maybe you won't see a new one for awhile. Wait till you start getting stray eyebrows on your chin!
I love you!

3/16/2006 8:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

G-Dtr...How would you like my head.I keep looking for the dark ones..gray hair is very pretty. Lots of people dye it but God put it on me so i'm leaving it there.I might get my eyes tatoed when Jim is in Canada on a mission trip
If I don't chicken out. He don't want me to do it. Maybe I'll go to the casino instead.
Loves yah, Granny

3/24/2006 12:34 AM  

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