February 25, 2006

HaPpY biRtHdAy!!!!!

Happy 21st birthday to Abby & ME!!!!
That's right! Today is Abby and I's 21st birthday. I hope YOU are enjoying your birthday more than I am, Abby! It's not bad, I've got near-beer, and I had a pretty normal day at work...I guess I couldn't ask for more being deployed and all.
We're all going to just have to make it up by having a GINORMOUS party next year!!!!! Oh, yeah...
Hope everyone is doing well. I still miss you guys immensely (SP?). I can't wait to get back to the states and hang-out with all of you. We're going to have so much fun...doing what, exactly, I don't know...but whatever it is that we end-up doing, I'm sure it'll be fun.
My roomie's mom is sending me alcoholic drink-flavored suckers. No alcohol involved...the suckers are just flavored like "martini" or "fuzzy navel" ect.
Well, I should get going. I love you guys. **PEACE** I'm outta here...time to party like it's 1699!

February 22, 2006


Hey people.
I'm feeling a bit "blah" today.
I miss home, I miss Matthew, guard duty sucks, but it's bright and shiny outside. At least it's warm. Really warm. It's like 70 degrees outside. It's really nice. Makes me wonder how long it will last.
My buddy got this robot/doll thingy from his girlfriend. They're punk-rockers! He's totally kewl. You'd all find him great. He has major ADHD problems, so he's pretty fun to watch.
The country band went off our base to go and do a performance somewhere. Bet they're having fun.
I'm no longer in a band...they needed to cut 2 groups, and mine was one of them. Oh, well...life goes on, I guess.
I love you guys. Hope you are all doing well. Take care!!

February 18, 2006


I just really dug this picture I found in our "Stars & Stripes" newspaper. It's a pic of a soldier (nobody I know) on guard in all his gear with an Iraqi sunset in the background. This is a pic I've been looking for to put on the back of the batallion coin I'm designing. I just thought you might appreciate it as well.
Some things have happened in the last 24 hours that I cannot report on this website, but I'll tell you all about my "war stories" when I get back to the states, safe and sound. No one got hurt, so don't worry.
Other than all that, I'm missing Matthew, guard duty sucks, and I'm really tired and need a nap. Life is okay and hopefully it'll get better. My morale has improved dramatically since my visit with Matthew (as you can imagine). I'm doing okay and I'm anxious to get home. Just over 9 more months left! I can't hardly wait.
Keep praying. We'll be back before you know it! Take care. Later!

February 16, 2006

VisItiNg MatThEw

Hi-lo Everybody!!!!!
I got to go to Matthew's camp really early in the morning on 15 Feb. The flight almost got canceled!!! It was my first ride on a Shanook helicopter! It was so KEWL. It was night time so I was able to see all the bright lights of the city that surrounds Matthew and I's camps. It was really pretty all considering.
Matthew greeted me and the rest of the rock band at our bus when we got to his camp. They(my band) released Matthew and I to go and "do our thing". Oh, yeah...life is GOOOOOOD! They even gave us the keys to our very own love suite...a nearby tent a row down from the one my band was sleeping in. Later Matthew gave me the $.25 tour of the camp which took all of 10 minutes. It's not very big, but he showed me the palace, as you can see in the picture, as well as the hogdy (iraqi) shops. There wasn't much to see, but his camp looks really pretty.
I forgot to mention that I was also able to see the sabres. It's really kewl. I'll take a pic if I get to see them again.
We didn't do much else. We ate at his brand new DFAC, watched the movies "Narnia" and "Underworld Evolution" and some "Bevis and Butthead". We were actually able to relax and enjoy each other's company. Too bad I'll have to leave today.
Gotta go. Matthew is pestering me again. Mmmm...life is really good. 'Till next time...Later dudes!

February 10, 2006

Matt with guns!

Got your tickets for the GUN SHOW????

February 2, 2006

No NegEtiVe WavEs

I got to see Matthew the day before yesterday. We were so happy just to see each other again...it was nice. I'm looking forward to the middle of the month when I get to go to his camp cuz my rock band has a couple of performances over there...I get to be a roadie! YAY!!!! Matthew seems to be doing really well, all considering. I'm envious of how positive he is, all the time.He sometimes reminds me of Odd Ball from the movie "Kelly's Heroes" and his favorite line, "Stop sending me them negetive waves!" Hopefully some of Matthew's positive outlook will rub off on me one day.
I'm no longer being forced to move out of my room. My battallion Sergeant Major instructed my unit NOT to move anybody that doesn't HAVE to move. So my freshly promoted roomie and I are happy that we don't have to seperate!
I've been asked to design a my battallion's coin for out here in Iraq! I'm pretty pumped and honored. I have 2 weeks to turn in a design...all that I'm lacking right now is the TIME to do it, but I'll get it done eventually.
I should get to work right now. Lunch time is over. Take care. PEACE!!!!!