February 18, 2006


I just really dug this picture I found in our "Stars & Stripes" newspaper. It's a pic of a soldier (nobody I know) on guard in all his gear with an Iraqi sunset in the background. This is a pic I've been looking for to put on the back of the batallion coin I'm designing. I just thought you might appreciate it as well.
Some things have happened in the last 24 hours that I cannot report on this website, but I'll tell you all about my "war stories" when I get back to the states, safe and sound. No one got hurt, so don't worry.
Other than all that, I'm missing Matthew, guard duty sucks, and I'm really tired and need a nap. Life is okay and hopefully it'll get better. My morale has improved dramatically since my visit with Matthew (as you can imagine). I'm doing okay and I'm anxious to get home. Just over 9 more months left! I can't hardly wait.
Keep praying. We'll be back before you know it! Take care. Later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Becareful of using an image without permission. Even if its not posted, it is copyrighted.
Get WRITTEN permission to use it.



2/20/2006 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!! Awesome picture. I saved it on our photo spot. I love you.

2/22/2006 10:52 PM  

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