February 25, 2006

HaPpY biRtHdAy!!!!!

Happy 21st birthday to Abby & ME!!!!
That's right! Today is Abby and I's 21st birthday. I hope YOU are enjoying your birthday more than I am, Abby! It's not bad, I've got near-beer, and I had a pretty normal day at work...I guess I couldn't ask for more being deployed and all.
We're all going to just have to make it up by having a GINORMOUS party next year!!!!! Oh, yeah...
Hope everyone is doing well. I still miss you guys immensely (SP?). I can't wait to get back to the states and hang-out with all of you. We're going to have so much fun...doing what, exactly, I don't know...but whatever it is that we end-up doing, I'm sure it'll be fun.
My roomie's mom is sending me alcoholic drink-flavored suckers. No alcohol involved...the suckers are just flavored like "martini" or "fuzzy navel" ect.
Well, I should get going. I love you guys. **PEACE** I'm outta here...time to party like it's 1699!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's my girl! Thanks for the picture! You're so CUTE!
Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you.... happy birthday Crystal Dawn.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOUUUUUU!
We wish you were home too because we miss you!! Can't wait to have steak and burgers on the grill with family/friends around. Can't wait to put your butt in the boat and drag a line or two. yah... That brings warm fuzzy thoughts. Spiritual hug! We will keep praying for you, Matt and your troops. WE LOVE YOU!

2/26/2006 8:05 AM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! also, Zum Geburtstag, viel glueck. also [signs HAPPY BORN-DAY in ASL]. to celebrate my 21st I had a coke with lime that my boss bought me and enjoyed it completely in the heat (about 80 I think in OKC last October). Enjoy yourself and I shall keep you in my prayers, plus ask the nuns to keep you on their prayer list (gotta love Catholic college...)
Rock on indeed.

2/26/2006 11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!

2/27/2006 7:43 PM  
Blogger Randall said...

Ran across ur blog and wanted to say Hi.Ma nephew just got back,He was with the 511 Mississippi rifles.
Best wishes for you and your family..:)

3/11/2006 11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday toooooo Yoooouuuuuu
I love you and just to think my baby is 21. Think of all the good times we had making Bob made at us. All the fun we had in Edina. Movies. When we went fishing with grandpa hill. You and I have had lots of fun together. Especially swimming too.Guess that's why your in my heart all the time.

3/24/2006 12:41 AM  

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