February 22, 2006


Hey people.
I'm feeling a bit "blah" today.
I miss home, I miss Matthew, guard duty sucks, but it's bright and shiny outside. At least it's warm. Really warm. It's like 70 degrees outside. It's really nice. Makes me wonder how long it will last.
My buddy got this robot/doll thingy from his girlfriend. They're punk-rockers! He's totally kewl. You'd all find him great. He has major ADHD problems, so he's pretty fun to watch.
The country band went off our base to go and do a performance somewhere. Bet they're having fun.
I'm no longer in a band...they needed to cut 2 groups, and mine was one of them. Oh, well...life goes on, I guess.
I love you guys. Hope you are all doing well. Take care!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear Crystal... they go out of their way to piss you off! Sorry you got bumped. At least you got to have some time with your honey.
Remember we love you, kiddo.

2/22/2006 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad they dropped yor band!
Maybe they will let it start up again later. Well I love you and pray for you and your honey every day. Drink water with Motrine and buckle up!

2/23/2006 2:35 PM  

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