February 2, 2006

No NegEtiVe WavEs

I got to see Matthew the day before yesterday. We were so happy just to see each other again...it was nice. I'm looking forward to the middle of the month when I get to go to his camp cuz my rock band has a couple of performances over there...I get to be a roadie! YAY!!!! Matthew seems to be doing really well, all considering. I'm envious of how positive he is, all the time.He sometimes reminds me of Odd Ball from the movie "Kelly's Heroes" and his favorite line, "Stop sending me them negetive waves!" Hopefully some of Matthew's positive outlook will rub off on me one day.
I'm no longer being forced to move out of my room. My battallion Sergeant Major instructed my unit NOT to move anybody that doesn't HAVE to move. So my freshly promoted roomie and I are happy that we don't have to seperate!
I've been asked to design a my battallion's coin for out here in Iraq! I'm pretty pumped and honored. I have 2 weeks to turn in a design...all that I'm lacking right now is the TIME to do it, but I'll get it done eventually.
I should get to work right now. Lunch time is over. Take care. PEACE!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kewl! Congrats/kudos on the coin design. I would like a copy of it whenit is done (If it is not too much trouble)
Keep you chin up cutie!
"Face piles of trials with smiles. It riles them to believe that you percieve the web they weave and keep on thinking free"
Love and smoockes - Daddy

2/02/2006 12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh Darn it! I lost my messg I sent. I hate when that happens!
I am glad you got to spend a bit of time with your other half and they didn't make you move. That is awesome.
How cool - you designed the door at boot camp, now the coin. Go girl! I am willing to purchase a few.
Thank you for the letter and the call. It made my day! It was nice to wake up to both of my daughters. I miss you.
I will continue to pray for you. I hope that things keep getting better for you. Remember that we love you. Hugs and Smooches. Mommy

2/03/2006 10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to share a story with you. When Matt was a little guy He loved his toy trucks and was playing out in the back field behind where we lived in Elk River.
The owner of the back field was playing with his big (real) construction equipment, and was traveling down the trail when Matt actually stop the guy in his tracks so his toy trucks wouldn't get crushed by the big equipment.
Can you imagine a small little boy having the guts to stop the big equipment? He did. I heard this story years later from the owner of the construction equipment.

2/04/2006 2:25 PM  
Blogger Fishguts said...

Thank you for the story, Mike. It's a cute one. Matthew is definitely unique. I'm so glad that I'm going to be able to spend the rest of my life with him. He really is all kinds of wonderful. Thank you for sharing that story. It made me smile. Take care.

2/06/2006 2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kido Sounds like you are on a winning streak, not having to move and being asked to design a coin for your company. Now you are also a roadie. going out to entertain Matts company and be able to see him. hope the future keeps going fine for you' LOVE GRAMPA. Hope the books I sent you are enjoyable

2/06/2006 10:56 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Say-hey, I started a diffrent blog, it was due time, you'll have to read to get my latest news! :)

2/07/2006 4:44 PM  

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