November 13, 2005

Celtic Cross

Update on the children... they got matching tattoos at The Skin Kitchen in Watertown, MN... The Artist (Chris), Crystal getting the deed, Crystal's tat, Matt getting inked, Matt's tatt... Chris is definately awesome!!

November 8, 2005

Few dAyz oF leAve

Hi-lo, everybody!
Sorry that I couldn't tell all you guys that I was going to Minnesota on leave this past weekend, but I only had the couple of days and I needed to hit the family for the most part. I wish I could've visited with all of my friends, but there just wasn't enough time. I've got a few pics of Matthew and I on leave here in Minnesota. Take a gander, if you want.
We've enjoyed our stay for the most part. We're heading back to Texas tomorrow morning. *sniffle* I'd love to stay. It's so gorgeous up here with all the dead and rotting leaves and the brown grass and the yellow corn stalks...mmm, the smell of decaying things. I love the autumn. I regret that I have to leave...but duty calls. UGH! I love you all. Trust me, as soon as I get back from Iraq, I'll be sure to take plenty of leave--enough for me to see everybody...if possible. :^D Like I said, we really enjoyed ourselves. The trip up here was grueling tho. We didn't think we'd be able to make it in a day, but we managed...had to drink about 10 gallons of coffee, but we made it somehow.
During our visit, we managed to surprise my sister, my aunt and uncle (Denny and Ruth), Uncle Terry, Bill and Luke and Darren, my mom and dad were in on the whole scheme. Then on Monday, we surprised the grandparents and took them out to lunch in Brainerd. We visited with Matthew's uncle Scott and Matthew's dad met us at the lunch in Brainerd. And today we surprised Matthew's mother. His little bro, Chris, was already tipped-off by Matt's dad. Grrr!!! It's been a little crazy, but what leave isn't? It's too bad that we gotta go back to crappy 'ol Texas tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to that. I wish I could stay up here from now on. I never thought that I would actually miss Minnesota until I joined the military. UGH!!!
Well, that's all. It's going to be a long while before I'll be able to update this again. Keep checking in here from time to time. Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to add another entry before I head over to the sandbox. Until then, love you all and take care of yourselves.

November 4, 2005

Tattoo night!

Tonight, Matthew and I are getting tattooed! I'll be getting a celtic cross on my lower back. It'll look something like the two pictures you see here. We're both pretty excited about it. It'll be our first tattoo--the anticipation is growing. Matthew is saying that he wants some kind of celtic cross on his shoulder or his arm...but he hasn't pointed out to me exactly what he wants. We'll know tonight, tho! Yay!!!! I'm so excited I could just SPIT. But I won't.
We're looking forward to the weekend. It's been a pretty exhausting week for both of us and we are glad to finally be getting some time off. Whew!
Thank you everyone and GOOD NIGHT!!!!!
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember: ametures built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
"If you can't convince them, confuse them."
-Harry S. Truman

November 3, 2005


Know what we're doing

If you look at my "links" bar, you'll notice that I have added a few links. I feel that you'll find 2 of these links to be very informative for you. The 2 links I'm speaking of is "Ft.Hood Website" and "4 I.D. Website". By clicking on these sites you'll be able to see what's going on at our duty station here, at Ft.Hood or if you go to the 4 I.D. website, you'll be able to read exactly what going on with our specific division, and in some cases, our particular companies. When I say "our", I am meaning Matthew and I. So, if it's been a while since the last time you heard from us, or if you're just curious as to what we're up to, feel free to check out these two sites.
The "Army Knowledge Online" will do you no good. You have to be in the army to be able to use it.
The other 2 that I have added are "Joe Cartoon" and "Funny Junk". I really enjoy these sites, and figured you might too. They're good for a laugh or two.
Thanks again. Love ya!

LeaViNg thE neT

Well, I got home around 0645 this morning. It was a very long and very uncomfortable bus ride. BLAH!!! But, I'm back and am happy to be able to see Matthew again. Yay!
Sadly, this will be one of my last posts on my blog site until I get to my FOB (Forward Operating Base) in Iraq. I'm not sure when this will be, but don't count on seeing anything new between this weekend and the beginning of the new year. Sorry. Matthew and I just need to cancel our internet service before we go to Iraq. Besides, there won't be much time to dilly-dally on the net anyways. We're going to be pretty busy just getting things set-up for deployment. So, to all my faithful fans, I love you and I will try to update this blog whenever I get the chance.
Feel free to keep calling me on the telephone or writing to my address. I'll let everyone know what my military snail-mail address is as soon as I find out what it will be. I'll be looking forward to hearing from all of you.
Take care. You are the best! Until next time........

November 2, 2005

Leaving Colorado

That's right. I'm leaving today right after we perform our last ceremony at Ft.Carson. I'll be getting back to Texas early tomorrow morning. I'm sad that I have to leave, but I'm happy that I'll be able to see Matthew again. I've kinda missed him over the last few days.
I had fun last night. Yesterday, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith came out, so all of the S.W. fans in the band pitched some cash in and we bought the movie. We watched it last night in the hotel bar on their big screen TV. We really had some fun. I forgot how kewl that movie was. I can't wait for the whole SET to come out. That's what I'm going to buy.
Well, nothing much else to write about. I've gotta get on the bus and start on my merry way. Hope everyone is having a truly FANTABULOUS week. I love you all. Catch ya on the flip side!