November 8, 2005

Few dAyz oF leAve

Hi-lo, everybody!
Sorry that I couldn't tell all you guys that I was going to Minnesota on leave this past weekend, but I only had the couple of days and I needed to hit the family for the most part. I wish I could've visited with all of my friends, but there just wasn't enough time. I've got a few pics of Matthew and I on leave here in Minnesota. Take a gander, if you want.
We've enjoyed our stay for the most part. We're heading back to Texas tomorrow morning. *sniffle* I'd love to stay. It's so gorgeous up here with all the dead and rotting leaves and the brown grass and the yellow corn stalks...mmm, the smell of decaying things. I love the autumn. I regret that I have to leave...but duty calls. UGH! I love you all. Trust me, as soon as I get back from Iraq, I'll be sure to take plenty of leave--enough for me to see everybody...if possible. :^D Like I said, we really enjoyed ourselves. The trip up here was grueling tho. We didn't think we'd be able to make it in a day, but we managed...had to drink about 10 gallons of coffee, but we made it somehow.
During our visit, we managed to surprise my sister, my aunt and uncle (Denny and Ruth), Uncle Terry, Bill and Luke and Darren, my mom and dad were in on the whole scheme. Then on Monday, we surprised the grandparents and took them out to lunch in Brainerd. We visited with Matthew's uncle Scott and Matthew's dad met us at the lunch in Brainerd. And today we surprised Matthew's mother. His little bro, Chris, was already tipped-off by Matt's dad. Grrr!!! It's been a little crazy, but what leave isn't? It's too bad that we gotta go back to crappy 'ol Texas tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to that. I wish I could stay up here from now on. I never thought that I would actually miss Minnesota until I joined the military. UGH!!!
Well, that's all. It's going to be a long while before I'll be able to update this again. Keep checking in here from time to time. Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to add another entry before I head over to the sandbox. Until then, love you all and take care of yourselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pics =)...

Can't wait to see you guys!

11/09/2005 5:18 PM  
Blogger English Newbie said...

Hey, now, you didn't even tell me you were in the state! What's up with that crap! It would have at least been nice to talk on the phone or something. Well I guess you can read my recent update on my blog and hear about how crappy life is around here lately. I miss you tons.

11/09/2005 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi kids very informitive. You realy suprised this old man. I'am happy you made it to Mn. before you leave for the sandbox. i just hope next time we can have more time with you. GRANDPA

11/09/2005 10:00 PM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

I hope all goes well and you get home to MN soon! I too never thought I'd miss something like rotting leaves so much until now. Glad you had an excellent crazy-driving-filled leave!

11/13/2005 12:00 AM  

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