November 3, 2005

Know what we're doing

If you look at my "links" bar, you'll notice that I have added a few links. I feel that you'll find 2 of these links to be very informative for you. The 2 links I'm speaking of is "Ft.Hood Website" and "4 I.D. Website". By clicking on these sites you'll be able to see what's going on at our duty station here, at Ft.Hood or if you go to the 4 I.D. website, you'll be able to read exactly what going on with our specific division, and in some cases, our particular companies. When I say "our", I am meaning Matthew and I. So, if it's been a while since the last time you heard from us, or if you're just curious as to what we're up to, feel free to check out these two sites.
The "Army Knowledge Online" will do you no good. You have to be in the army to be able to use it.
The other 2 that I have added are "Joe Cartoon" and "Funny Junk". I really enjoy these sites, and figured you might too. They're good for a laugh or two.
Thanks again. Love ya!


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