November 2, 2005

Leaving Colorado

That's right. I'm leaving today right after we perform our last ceremony at Ft.Carson. I'll be getting back to Texas early tomorrow morning. I'm sad that I have to leave, but I'm happy that I'll be able to see Matthew again. I've kinda missed him over the last few days.
I had fun last night. Yesterday, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith came out, so all of the S.W. fans in the band pitched some cash in and we bought the movie. We watched it last night in the hotel bar on their big screen TV. We really had some fun. I forgot how kewl that movie was. I can't wait for the whole SET to come out. That's what I'm going to buy.
Well, nothing much else to write about. I've gotta get on the bus and start on my merry way. Hope everyone is having a truly FANTABULOUS week. I love you all. Catch ya on the flip side!


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