November 3, 2005

LeaViNg thE neT

Well, I got home around 0645 this morning. It was a very long and very uncomfortable bus ride. BLAH!!! But, I'm back and am happy to be able to see Matthew again. Yay!
Sadly, this will be one of my last posts on my blog site until I get to my FOB (Forward Operating Base) in Iraq. I'm not sure when this will be, but don't count on seeing anything new between this weekend and the beginning of the new year. Sorry. Matthew and I just need to cancel our internet service before we go to Iraq. Besides, there won't be much time to dilly-dally on the net anyways. We're going to be pretty busy just getting things set-up for deployment. So, to all my faithful fans, I love you and I will try to update this blog whenever I get the chance.
Feel free to keep calling me on the telephone or writing to my address. I'll let everyone know what my military snail-mail address is as soon as I find out what it will be. I'll be looking forward to hearing from all of you.
Take care. You are the best! Until next time........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful, make the best of it (try to have fun), and I'll be back on your regulars list when you show back up!

11/03/2005 6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. kido.glad to hear from you as your back home with Matt.I enjoyed supper squarrle. did you have a good lunch? I will try your extra lines. Hope to see you when your back. Grampa'

11/03/2005 11:47 PM  

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