November 4, 2005

Tattoo night!

Tonight, Matthew and I are getting tattooed! I'll be getting a celtic cross on my lower back. It'll look something like the two pictures you see here. We're both pretty excited about it. It'll be our first tattoo--the anticipation is growing. Matthew is saying that he wants some kind of celtic cross on his shoulder or his arm...but he hasn't pointed out to me exactly what he wants. We'll know tonight, tho! Yay!!!! I'm so excited I could just SPIT. But I won't.
We're looking forward to the weekend. It's been a pretty exhausting week for both of us and we are glad to finally be getting some time off. Whew!
Thank you everyone and GOOD NIGHT!!!!!
"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember: ametures built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
"If you can't convince them, confuse them."
-Harry S. Truman


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is totaly awsome! Copy and paste this link into your browser for a picture of my tattoo.

11/05/2005 4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi kido' just how big is this tattoo going to be? it's going to itch so dont scratch.Hope it all works out for you and Matt.Now that time is getting closer to travel time are you both getting nervice? What is Ambers blog sign in now that you will be closing down. just keep in touch. grampa.

11/05/2005 5:03 PM  

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