June 20, 2006

NaMe ThAt SoDa!!!!

Hey Gang!!! I thought this would be fun for you. It's pretty easy. The three cans of soda are written in Arabic. Can you guess what their names are in English? Thought you'd dig it.

I'm okay. Surviving one hellish day after another. I don't even notice the change in heat anymore. I just know that it's frickin' hot---if I had balls, I would've sweated them off by now. Sorry for the visual. At least I get to see Matthew from time to time. It's all the time in between visits that kills me. I miss you guys. All of you. I cannot wait to come home and leave this place behind. I am making one or two friends out here. This guy, Siceloff, is pretty kewl. He loves Rocky Horror Picture show and even played Frankenfurter during a local performance by his high school. I think I already told you that though. He'd definitely fit in as a "fellow freak". He's really anxious to go back to Germany though, so I don't think I'll be able to hang out with him much when we get back to the states. Oh, well. At least I've got someone to help pass the time out here. We watch a lot of Ren & Stimpy. He immitates them so well. I wish you could meet this guy, Isaac. You'd totally relate to him.

I should be going now. Gotta get back to work. UGH!!!!! Only 5 more months left, gang. That's it. Then we'll be able to party all day and rock all night!!!!!!! OH YEA!!!!!! Toodles!

June 8, 2006

La La Land... :^)

<---This is just some dragon creature thing that I think is really cute!
Greetings to all of my beautiful, adoring fans!!!!
I feel like I might truly be on Cloud 9! Matthew came to my camp for a visit yesterday. It was only for about an hour, but it was a really nice visit. I LOVE YOU, MATTHEW---my little shnookums!!!!! *smooch* Yeah...it was just such a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting to be able to see him again for a long while, then he called me up right after I'd finished eating lunch and told me he was going to be coming over! WOW!!! Of course, I was scheduled to be on guard duty during the time of his visit, but luckily, my buddy SGT Stevens covered for me for a couple of hours. He's such a nice guy. He's going to be getting married in 3 weeks to his fiancee, Bailey. I'm happy for him; and I'm so grateful that he was so willing to cover for me. Yay!
I'm still eager for some Ren Fest, tho. I can't seem to get it out of my head. I keep thinking about it every time I think about going home. I miss that place...almost as much as I miss everyone else. It was just a really fun event that I would look forward to all year long. Like Christmas...but different. I cannot wait to go home! And Matthew and I keep talking about fishing and all that jazz. We are both anxious to have our weekends back. That's probably going to be the first thing we do when we get back to the states...go fishing. YAY!!!!!!
"Taters? YUCK! Give us a fish....raw and WiGgLy!!! Hee heee heee..." Gotta love Gollum.
Well, peeps...I should run. Gotta save the world one crazy note at a time, eh? Take care of yourselves. I miss you. Thanks for all of your support. Take it easy and feel free to keep writing to me! Love ya!!!! Toodles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 4, 2006

sAcRaMenTaL wiNe

"You're all FRESHNICKET (sp?)!!!! You've been getting into the sacramental wine again, haven't you?!?!" ~Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Hey Gang!
Well, it's communion Sunday--and yes, I did go to church. *applause* I was surprised, but they actually give out REAL wine for communion. I went through the line twice [bad, crystal, bad!!!] *snicker, snicker*....but I didn't get drunk or anything. It was only two sips...and I didn't think they were going to actually let me go up there twice, but they did. Oy!!!! Only Crystal, right?
Anyways, nothing new's been going on. It's been a pretty quiet week...kinda nice, actually. It's been hot as all get-out, though!!! It's like Africa hot. Tarzan couldn't take this much heat!!! If I had balls, I'd be sweating them off!!!! Yesterday it reached 117 degress FARENHEIT with a heat index of 142!!!!!
"I'm feeling HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!"
But, yeah....it's the same old thing, different day. Miss you guys like crazy! Can't wait to get back to the states and party with some non-desert animals!!!!!!! heh heh heh
Gotta run, again.They're telling me I've gotta get off the computer. Creeps!
I love you guys. Take care of yourselves. "Beware the groove......groove!!"TOODLES!!!!!!