June 20, 2006

NaMe ThAt SoDa!!!!

Hey Gang!!! I thought this would be fun for you. It's pretty easy. The three cans of soda are written in Arabic. Can you guess what their names are in English? Thought you'd dig it.

I'm okay. Surviving one hellish day after another. I don't even notice the change in heat anymore. I just know that it's frickin' hot---if I had balls, I would've sweated them off by now. Sorry for the visual. At least I get to see Matthew from time to time. It's all the time in between visits that kills me. I miss you guys. All of you. I cannot wait to come home and leave this place behind. I am making one or two friends out here. This guy, Siceloff, is pretty kewl. He loves Rocky Horror Picture show and even played Frankenfurter during a local performance by his high school. I think I already told you that though. He'd definitely fit in as a "fellow freak". He's really anxious to go back to Germany though, so I don't think I'll be able to hang out with him much when we get back to the states. Oh, well. At least I've got someone to help pass the time out here. We watch a lot of Ren & Stimpy. He immitates them so well. I wish you could meet this guy, Isaac. You'd totally relate to him.

I should be going now. Gotta get back to work. UGH!!!!! Only 5 more months left, gang. That's it. Then we'll be able to party all day and rock all night!!!!!!! OH YEA!!!!!! Toodles!


Blogger Fishguts said...

Congrats, Jenn!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I didn't even know you were engaged. Congrats!!! Was it a big wedding? Yay for Jenn!!!!!!

6/21/2006 2:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Crystal!
I hope you are doing better today!
Try to stay cool!
We love you and can't wait to see you!

6/21/2006 7:21 AM  

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