June 4, 2006

sAcRaMenTaL wiNe

"You're all FRESHNICKET (sp?)!!!! You've been getting into the sacramental wine again, haven't you?!?!" ~Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Hey Gang!
Well, it's communion Sunday--and yes, I did go to church. *applause* I was surprised, but they actually give out REAL wine for communion. I went through the line twice [bad, crystal, bad!!!] *snicker, snicker*....but I didn't get drunk or anything. It was only two sips...and I didn't think they were going to actually let me go up there twice, but they did. Oy!!!! Only Crystal, right?
Anyways, nothing new's been going on. It's been a pretty quiet week...kinda nice, actually. It's been hot as all get-out, though!!! It's like Africa hot. Tarzan couldn't take this much heat!!! If I had balls, I'd be sweating them off!!!! Yesterday it reached 117 degress FARENHEIT with a heat index of 142!!!!!
"I'm feeling HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!"
But, yeah....it's the same old thing, different day. Miss you guys like crazy! Can't wait to get back to the states and party with some non-desert animals!!!!!!! heh heh heh
Gotta run, again.They're telling me I've gotta get off the computer. Creeps!
I love you guys. Take care of yourselves. "Beware the groove......groove!!"TOODLES!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!!!
You will have to go up for communion about 20 or 30 times for the wine to take effect!
(I should know, I was an alter boy and we had custody of the wine and wafers on communion days).
Stay cool!

6/05/2006 10:13 AM  

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