April 19, 2006


It was like ARMAGEDDON out here the day before yesterday! As you can view from the above pictures. I went to the PX in the middle of the storm with Arizmendi (driver), Agee and Williams (riding and looking scared out of their minds). We're crazy! It was so orange outside. Kinda freaky. Then it hailed like crazy!!!! We had a hail ball fight and then everyone started eating the hail. I thought it was gross, so I didn't eat any. I got a pic of a couple of my buddies (from left: Lowrey, Agee, and Arizmendi) licking a hail ball. Thought you'd dig the pictures. Let you see Armageddon for yourselves. It was really crazy though! It rained a LOT!!! It's still really muddy out from all the rain. Although, the mud is more of a paste now that it's starting to evaporate and stuff, but it's there. UGH!! Walking to work is a work-out.
Oh, and yesterday I ran on a treadmill for over an hour straight! My butt hurts. I can't even walk normal cuz it hurts so much. Oh, well...that's what I get for running so much. And for the record--I've lost 30 pounds since I deployed; and I'm STILL losing weight. Yay for me!!!!!!
I suppose I should end this now and get my sore butt back to work. Take care of yourselves. I'll be adding some pictures of the rock band concert coming up this Friday...so keep an eye out for that. YAY!!! Today's a good day. Toodles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That hail should have made you feel right at home.
I would not have ate the hail either. The dust in the air contains camel poop and you are what you eat!!!
Looks like you were all having fun!
Love you chickee!!

4/25/2006 8:44 AM  

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