April 19, 2006

my half of a room

Here are two pics of my room. They are both taken from the door to enter the room. The camo thing hanging down is the entrance to my roomie's little fort. She likes to hide from me...she likes her privacy. Whatever flips her lid, I guess. I just wanted everyone to see where I live. Toodles!!!


Blogger eternity said...

Hi, I know is an easy job for you. The Good LORD protect you.



4/19/2006 5:19 AM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

Excellent decor. I like the bedspread - it looks pretty nifty.

4/19/2006 4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen... that is a poster of David Bowie on the wall. Her awesome sister sent it to her! Amber

Nice room... cleaner than any room I have ever seen of yours!!

4/25/2006 8:06 AM  

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