April 26, 2006

bAbY sEaSoN!!!!!!

It must be baby-making season again. It seems like EVERYONE is pregnant! I have 2 guys in my unit, who just returned out here from leave, that just found out that their wife and fiancee are pregnant. And then there's Kat and Rod, who've been pregnant for some time now. And Angie had her baby not too long ago. Denise hasn't gotten back to me yet on whether she's prego or not. And I hear about all these people who work where I do guard duty who have pregnant wives and girlfriends back in the states. And there were 4 females in my battalion who were sent back to the states because they found out they were prego! It's nuts!!!!! No, I'm no where near being prego, so don't even START!!! I am just amazed at how many people are having babies. I'm happy for all of them. Some day maybe I'll have my own...but NOT today!
I hope everyone is doing well. Take care of yourselves. Have a GROOVALICIOUS day! Toodles.


Blogger Kat said...

I love babies, especially ours, 6 more months!!! We are SOOO excited! :)

4/28/2006 2:05 PM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

It seems everyone is asking me/us when we're going to have kids. Sheesh! We're not even good at parenting the cat yet! When did we get so old? I must have been napping...

4/28/2006 7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hon,
Sorry I havn't written, just lazy.
I'm waiting to be greatgrandma but
will wait until you get home and settled. Kids are a lot of fun. I really enjoy your blogs. The time is going by. Sure will be glad when you kids are back. Miss you both and loves yah.

4/29/2006 10:05 PM  

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