May 30, 2006

Fishyguts, fishyguts, fishyguts

Hey Peeps!!! Word up, yo!
Not much to report. My ankle is doing better. It's really sensitive to awekward positions though. C'est la vie. At least it's not broken. I can even run on it, now. I ran around the lake's a 3.26 mile run. I was able to run around the whole thing in half an hour! Yay for me. It was the first time I'd run outside since being deployed. I was pretty proud of myself. Hopefully I'll do well on my diagnostic PT test coming up next month. I'm working out about 5 times a week. Recovery from guard duty forces me to not be able to do much more than that. I'll probably increase my work-out to being 8 times a week seeing as how I'll be allowed to go to the gym during my work hours. YAY!!!!!! All this working-out is going to make me BUFF!!! *wink*
I went to the range on Sunday. I did pretty well...although my weapon was missing the extraction pin, forcing me to cock it every time I fired a shot (which isn't something to be doing with an M249 aka machine gun). I got all but 4 shots inside the target. I was so proud. Everyone was calling me "killer". No joke. A lot of guys at the range thought I was a guy until they heard me talk---then they were like, "Shit! That's a chick!!!" Made me feel good.
Everything is the usual. Oh, I got to see Matthew a couple days ago. I think he came here, to my camp, last Friday. We were able to spend 3 wonderful hours together. I needed that!!!
I LOVE YOU, MATTHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well. I should be getting back to doing some work. Take care of yourselves. Keep Matthew and I and everyone out here in your thoughts. Love you guys!!! Toodles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for trying to call last night! Sorry we lost the connection.
We love you and Matt!

6/01/2006 8:48 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

Hey did you get a package from us recently??

6/03/2006 10:57 AM  
Blogger Fishguts said...

What was in it? I've gotten one from you a couple of weeks ago, I think. I'm not sure how long ago I got it, actually. The time here just mushes into one ginormous day. Sorry. I probably did get it. Thank you for thinking of me. I miss you guys. Take care! Wuv ya!

6/04/2006 4:23 AM  

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