May 19, 2006

Damn it, Janet!

"...The road was long, but I ran it. There's a fire in my heart and you fan it! If there's one fool for you, then I am it. I've one thing to say and that's, 'Damn it, Janet--I love you!!'..."
~Rocky Horror Picture Show
That's right. It's been non-stop RHPS for the past week.
"Hot Patootie, bless my soul! I really love that Rock and Roll!!!!"
I can't help it. I get the songs stuck in my head and then I can't stop singing them...and it makes me want to watch the movie. I'll be sitting in the guard shack while on duty---just singing away. It helps pass the time, boy, I tell you what!
Not much to report. I sprained my ankle really good the other day while playing basketball with the guys. It felt really good as you can imagine. Note the sarcasm. At least my people will have to tone down their incessant prodding for me to do more PT. Now they just jump down my throat about my clarinet playing. They're making me re-audition in July. OY!!! C'est la vie. Nothing I can do to make them stop being retarded. But have no fear, my fans, for I still hold a few tricks up my sleeve. They want to hear me play, well, I'll show them!!!! I've gotten some of my solos that I'd used during AIT, and I'm going to use one of them for my performance piece during my audition. My scales are coming along nicely, so I'm not too worried. Don't fret for me, my dear fans. Although, I won't turn down a few prayers and such.
I've gotta run. The "whip-crackers" are going at it again. OY VEY!!! Toodles!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo!
Sorry I had to run to work this morning!
It is sure wonderful to hear from you!
We are praying for you!!
They sure like to try to break you down with mind games don't they?
Keep smiling!!
We love you!

5/19/2006 3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We read your blog regularly, but thought we should let you know that. We love you & think about you alot. You are in our prayers Also, (this will surprise you) Darin thinks about you to. He asks how you guys are doing so we keep him posted. Luv Ya - stay calm.

5/19/2006 10:11 PM  

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